Mar 032011

Hello Donelda,

Arising out of our conversation about vaccinations and autism (and other developmental problems);

Serendipitously, there is a public consultation process – just announced – –  see   2011-03-01  Most mercury-filled products to be banned in Canada.  Mercury is still safe in the human mouth but no where else.  The Government invites your input.

The public consultations can be used to good advantage if we can get the word spread far enough.

The effect of allowing the poisoning by heavy metals and other “foreign” ingredients in vaccinations is to promote the development of an industry based on the damage done.  It is an incredibly inhumane approach.  I get angry every time I think about it.  Hence my motivation on this.

Doctors and other health professionals need to be drawn in, to support the petitioning effort.  

The doctors have a choice between
– the propaganda  or
– opening up their minds to the accumulated information.�
– Common sense also has a role to play in all this. 

Please see the  INDEX  to heavy metals, foreign proteins and DNA in vaccinations,  PLUS mercury in dental amalgams.

WHY  VACCINATION + DENTAL AMALGAMS?   the foetus and infant receive mercury off-gassed from the Mother’s dental amalgams, in utero and through breast milk.  The ensuing vaccinations place another round of heavy metals and foreign proteins into the baby’s system.   The INDEX is to a set of postings that pulls the threads together.   

The purpose of the Index  is to empower people through the simple tool of information.   The second tool is solidarity by connecting with each other. 

I hope that people will circulate the information to every organization that works with people with disabilities.  Disabled people also need to speak for themselves.  It is their stories that will change the world and stop the production of more and more damaged babies.

The parents of autistic children and of children with developmental problems who see a link between the poisons and the developmental outcomes need to send a short email to the public input process.  We need to collectively put a stop to what the medi-care system is doing.  

See  2011-03-01 concerning the public comment period.    Email:

The Government’s effort is about mercury.  It is not helpful to limit it to mercury – –  it is mercury PLUS that is responsible for the developmental problems. 

Health Canada and Environment Canada need to be held accountable.  They have to stop covering for the Pharmaceutical Corporations.  And start performing the job that tax-payers pay them to do:  they have only one responsibility and that is to the PUBLIC GOOD.

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