Feb 152022

The PHO (Public Health Officials)  and elected representative invited did not attend and did not even respond to the invitation;  and prior to the Public Science Debate, blocked their emails to the scientists inviting them.

From the Conference Room booked for the discussion, The Canadian experts:

Top Canadian Experts Challenge Top Health Officials – Bright Light News


[PUBLIC SCIENTIFIC FORUM] Dr. Byram Bridle, along with Drs. Roger Hodkinson and Paul Alexander, challenged Canada’s senior Health Administrative representatives of the Federal Government, Dr. Theresa Tam and Dr. Howard Njoo and the Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization, Dr. Shelley Deeks to discuss the science of Covid measures and the vaccines and their mandates.

The latter group of public health officials never showed up. A testament to their lack of evidence to support their actions of the last 2 years in the face of Canadian experts well armed with the science of Covid-19 and vaccines.

February 11, the 3 experts meticulously went through a mountain of peer-reviewed scientific evidence damning Covid measures, vaccines and mandates, undoubtedly a strong consideration for why Canada’s top health officials avoid this important forum.


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