Sep 212023

The last “For Your Selection” sent out was July 12th, with an emphasis on the Artur Pawlowski court case.

= = = = = = = =



Hi Everyone,

  • A large win in the US:   2023-09-10 Appeals court rules Biden administration censored free speech
  • I have posted examples of the Canadian Covid Court Cases in which CHARGES HAVE BEEN DROPPED.

Number 14 of the “For Your Selection” list at bottom:


  • I marked Covid Court Cases that have fallen with asterisks  *** 


The Tamara Lich and Chris Barber trials are in session now, in Ottawa.  Leonard Greenspon, a prominent (high-profile) Canadian lawyer, is representing Tamara Lich;  Diane Magas represents Chris Barber.

DAY 4 of the Tamara Lich – Chris Barber proceedings:


In my view,  The System, the way it works,  HAS TO HAVE someone to prosecute.   You can’t have a court case that doesn’t have a Defendant.

Did Tamara Lich and Chris Barber REALLY organize the hundreds of thousands of Canadians and international supporters? 


The question ignores the fact that the World has changed.  “Self-organizing” is a recognized and studied phenomenon.


I put “Self-organizing” into the “Search” button on my blog.  Here’s a couple excerpts:

In my view, a difficulty for authorities is that their modus operandi conventionally requires the designation of “leaders” to whom “fault” can be assigned and prosecuted.   They HAVE TO punish to set an example to others, to discourage others from standing up for the Rule of Law. 

At the Enquiry (into the Invocation of the Emergency Act) I hear,  police and prosecutors asking  “Who told you . . .”, or “Who led . . .”, or “Do you know (one of the people jailed for being seen to be a leader)?/  Did you have conversations with…?  When did you first meet . . .?   Who introduced you . .  .?  Who are the leaders?  (We want to put them in jail, fine them, castrate them.  Give us the evidence we need.)

Make sure there is a long memory of what happens to anyone who is involved in protest, no matter how legal it is.  (And no matter the depth and length of the grievance and consequently the public support.)

“Successful social movements are emergent, evolving, radically self-organizing, and involve the dedicated efforts of many people, each finding the role that best uses his or her gifts and passions.”   (sounds to me like the Freedom Convoy)

It is similar to what I wrote  About the Network   (on my blog), 2004.

QUESTION:  Does or can  Korten’s prescription  (emergent, evolving, radically self-organizing, many working together, individuals finding the role that suits their passions)  help to address the problem with getting people to take the advice offered by Meadows or by someone else?   Are monumental meeting and organizing challenges addressed?

Personally,  I think the changes we need are, and will continue to happen, if we are willing to give up control.   Where “facts are uncertain, values in dispute, stakes high and decisions urgent”  we may do well to recognize that things are rapidly evolving (we aren’t standing still) and  “radically self-organizing”.

History tells us this is the way it sometimes happens.   The world did not see the Iron Curtain coming down,  the fall of the Communists in East Germany.   It was accomplished without major bloodshed and seemingly, out of the blue.

I am a fan of Nellie McClung – – “Just do it” (what needs to be done).  Empowered and distributed leaders emerge.  I think that is what I am observing today, and thankfully, many of those leaders are young and talented.  They abound among the musicians, in theatre, in the arts – –  in addition to the usual places you might expect.  Even retirees are taking on the challenges in various ways.

The actions of the Corporatocracy have been bold and extreme.   They are digging us deeper and deeper into violence.   This is no time for timidity, in my humble opinion.

2011-01-03 “All our Cowardice and Servility” from the Museum of Non-violent Resistance at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin



The last For Your Selection I sent out was   July 12

In it I suggested:  If you have time for only one posting, make it the Artur Pawlowski update.

I went to Lethbridge, AB for the sentencing of Pawlowski scheduled for  August 9th 

The use of the Justice system to silence citizens has to be stopped.   You get a fair trial.   It’s not fair if you have to pay literally a million dollars in lawyer bills to get to an Appeal Court to establish your innocence (which Pawlowski did, which Pawlowski COULD do, but only because of crowd-funding).

And then have to start over again in a Provincial Court with charges of mischief (criminal), looking at potentially 10 years in jail. ~~~

On August 9th I showed up at the Court House early, to ensure a seat in the Court Room.   I entered the Court House and went through Security 3 times, trying to find in which Court Room the sentencing of Pawlowski would take place.  FINALLY,  one of the fellows working the Security said aloud,  the Sentencing has been postponed to September 18th (The person at the desk inside the Court House, sitting at a computer, would not give me that info.)  . . .

I am returning to Lethbridge for Sept 18th.

– – – – –

For your Selection, mostly chronological, most recent first, the new postings are:

1.      2023-09-10 Appeals court rules Biden administration censored free speech, from Reclaim the Net  

2.     2023-09-09 Manufacturing The Threat,  Saskatoon screening starts Sept 15 @ the Roxy Theatre, Amy Miller filmmaker

3.     2023-09-09 (Covid) Jordan Peterson’s battle with the College of Psychologists of Ontario, and now the Court: “Re-education.”

4.     ***  2023-09-08 Charges against couple who refused to quarantine withdrawn. With thanks to JCCF.

5.     2023-09-06 The Wrongful Termination of Dr. Paul Thomas (American Pediatrician, Oregon).  An Interview with the Lawyer who represents Thomas.   

6.     2023-09-05 What’s behind talk of possible plea deal for Assange? Top US officials are speaking at cross purposes when it comes to Julian Assange. What is really going on? Joe Lauria writes . . .

7.     *** 2023-08-31 Mischief charges against documenter of Freedom Convoy dismissed

8.     *** 2023-08-30 Pastor James Coates and GraceLife Church acquitted following Ingram decision, with thanks to JCCF

9.     *** 2023-08-29 Charges withdrawn against Fairview Baptist Church, again with thanks to JCCF and the donations from the public that made it possible.

10.  *** 2023-08-28 Chris Scott of the Whistle Stop Café acquitted of charges following higher court decision

11.  2023-05-28 Covid – Dr David Martin addresses the European Parliament, 21 minutes; 20 million views. Plus HAVE NO FEAR OF COMING LOCKDOWNS, the cabal is already dead.

12.  2023-08-25 John Carpay, President of JCCF: Canada’s Regulatory Colleges Have No Business Monitoring Speech. Case in point, Jordan Peterson

13.  2023-08-25 Environmentalists throughout the world owe an enormous debt of gratitude to political prisoner Julian Assange, the founder and publisher of Wikileaks — and most of them don’t know it.

14.  *** 2023-08-03 Ingram decision, Alberta. A wonky win invalidates the public health orders of Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health.

15.  2023-07-20 UPDATE on court case: ArriveCAN Mootness Appeal Dismissed. From JCCF (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms)

16.  2023-07-21 Federal Court of Appeal dismisses constitutional challenge to ‘contentious’ ArriveCAN app (Rebel News). Includes details of the $54 million price tag for ArriveCan. Also example case of Joanne Walsh.    (The software for the  “ArriveCan app” cost Canadians $54 million, a great big fat boondoggle for somebody.)

17.  2023-07-21 Four men charged at Coutts Blockade denied bail for over 500 days and remain behind bars, by Sydney Fizzard, Rebel News

18.  2023-02-02 Warm-up for saying NO to more war (NATO): U.S. Military Industrial Complex Is ‘Choking Democracy’ — How Do We Stop It? , from TomDIspatch

19.  2023-07-15 Part of a pattern, the film “Final Account” (Netflix)

20.  2023-07-10 A Childhood Unspoken, by Marie Doduck “It’s happening again and it won’t be just Jews.”

21.  2016-12-09 Constant Gardener and Pfizer, my story, letter to LeCarre, Deaths (murder) of Nigerian children guinea-pigs, $US 75 million Out-of-Court Settlement Govt of Nigeria & Pfizer; Pfizer at the University of Saskatchewan

22.  2022-09-(30?) Jordan Peterson makes the link between the trampling of rights in Canada under Covid and the case of Julian Assange. Tyranny.  (this was prior to HIS “troubles”!  with the Ontario College of Psychologists!)

Rousing video , 17 Jean Valjeans from just some of the worldwide productions assembled on one stage.

Large choir and more cast near the end.  Canada represented by Michael Burgess

17 Jean Valjeans “Les Miserables”


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