Dec 062023

(1 of 2) is Notice of the War Crimes Tribunal investigation into Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing. And I am condemned without notice.

= = = = =  = = =


These weapons manufacturers may have committed Crimes Against Humanity as well as violated U.S. Federal criminal laws. The Tribunal will hear the evidence and render a verdict.

Retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (U.S. Army) was Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell. In dramatic testimony,  . . .


Col. Wilkerson’s testimony is explicit and among the most compelling this Tribunal has collected. The link to watch this video evidence is here:

(Sandra speaking)   The video is not for everyone.  I tend to think strategically.  I think it has to be circulated.  It’s the best chance we have for stopping what’ s happening.  I would say that Lawrence Wilkerson is a marked man because of his testimony.  If he can do what he has done, I have to pass this along to as many people as I can.  His testimony points to actions we can take.  I choose action over fear.

From: Merchants of Death War Crimes
Sent: December 5, 2023
Subject: Evidentiary Video: Col. Lawrence Wilkerson


This new video evidentiary episode of the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal provides what may be the most dramatic and damning testimony ever given by a United States military official.

Retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (U.S. Army) was Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell. In dramatic testimony, Col. Wilkerson exposes the corruption of the Military Industrial Complex and how it has hijacked U.S. foreign policy to create Endless War, huge profits for weapons makers, and caused the United States to be far less safe and secure in the world.

Col. Wilkerson’s testimony is explicit and among the most compelling this Tribunal has collected. The link to watch this video evidence is here:

Please share this video link with friends and colleagues. Form discussion groups around all video evidence of the Tribunal. The link for previous video episodes of the Tribunal is here:

Encourage friends to sign up to receive future video segments of evidence here:

You can watch the meetup discussion of December 3 where nonviolent action items to take in your community were discussed as well as a review of the evidence. That recording can be found here: And here is the chat from the December 3 meetup.

Lastly, do not forget to place on your calendar the next meetup session of the Tribunal scheduled for Saturday, December 30 at 2:00pm Eastern Time to discuss the evidence and share thoughts about action plans. You can register for the meetup here:

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, December 30 at 2 PM Eastern Time.

Brad Wolf, Kathy Kelly, and Nick Mottern
Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal

The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal will hold accountable — through testimony of witnesses — U.S. Weapons manufacturers who knowingly produce and sell products which attack and kill non-combatants. These manufacturers may have committed Crimes Against Humanity as well as violated U.S. Federal criminal laws. The Tribunal will hear the evidence and render a verdict.
Donate to support the Tribunal.

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