May 312024


2023-04-27   NCI: Lt. Col. David Redman, testimony. Retired Colonel chronicles the deliberate disregard of a long established plan for government to manage and mitigate a pandemic.

World Health Organization’s global health expansion sparks sovereignty concerns in Geneva

Unelected health necromancers are meeting at the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland this week to strengthen the World Health Organization’s global health powers through amendments to international law and the formalization of a new pandemic agreement.

The global gathering of unelected health dictators began this week in Geneva, Switzerland at the 77th annual World Health Assembly (WHA), the World Health Organization’s (WHO) decision-making body.

This year’s theme is All for Health, Health for All. Some “pivotal moments are anticipated” from this year’s gathering, described as “the Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response accord and the amendments to the International Health Regulations.” It’s an apparent “concerted effort by member states to bolster global preparedness and response mechanisms.”

As Canadian MP Leslyn Lewis previously pointed out in a letter to Liberal Minister of Health Mark Holland, doing so would cede health authority to the WHO and erode national health sovereignty in times of emergency. Those emergencies are declared at the whim of WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus anytime he believes there to be a “public health emergency of international concern.”

With the development of the elusive “Disease X” as a “placeholder” for future pandemics, it’s anything goes.

Lewis notes that things like the pandemic treaty, or accord, would require Canada to adopt pandemic response measures as prescribed by the WHO – something that we did during the COVID-19 response, disregarding previously well-established and evidence-based pandemic response plans implemented by various EMOs, or emergency management organizations:

Lewis also notes that any voting on changes to existing international law, through the WHO’s proposed amendments to established International Health Regulations (IHR), would be done without due process. Member states are required to have four months to consider any changes, according to Article 55 of the IHR itself. She also rightfully points out that the Canadian delegates present at the WHA would be acting outside their scope even to consider these changes to legally binding international law.

With approximately 300 sweeping proposed changes, the amendments would see a strengthening of the WHO’s health emergency powers and as Bill Gates – the 2nd largest funder of the WHO – previously put it, countries will comply and be graded, or risk being blamed for future pandemics.



In a leaked meeting between Canadian health overlords discussing the latest pandemic potential H5N1 avian flu, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada Theresa Tam can be heard saying that the response already adheres to the WHO’s One Health strategy rhetoric.



As the WHO approves a four-year, $USD 11.1 billion strategy, with an “emphasis on climate change, aging, migration, pandemic threats, and equity,” they call the next few years “an exceptional window of opportunity to build resilient, fit-for-future health systems… to get back on track to reach the health-related Sustainable Development Goals.”

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