Jun 032024

The data used in this report comes via a response to an order paper question posed to the government, by Regina Conservative MP Andrew Scheer.

My stakes in this game – –

    • STATSCAN, MCKINSEY, etc.   I can’t do justice to the topic right now. Here’s a couple of related postings:

2010-07-16 CHRONOLOGY: the involvement of American military corporations in the larger CONTEXT of American military intrusion into Canadian affairs.

2019-02-22 It’s taboo to talk about Canada’s real corporate scandal, rabble.ca, Matthew Behrens


Today?  . . .  from Rebel News

The majority of federal agencies are paying out bonuses to most managers and executives, with some agencies even paying out bonuses to every single manager.

Managers in our bloated federal government, as inefficient as it has ever been and as terrible at delivering services as humanly possible, are getting cash kudos while you suffer an inflation crisis caused by wasteful government spending and inflationary taxes.

Today, we’ll look at which agencies and departments are the worst offenders when it comes to rewarding failure, corruption and disrespect for taxpayers.

The data used in this report comes via a response to an order paper question posed to the government by Regina Conservative MP Andrew Scheer.

And, it turns out, the majority of federal agencies are paying out bonuses to most managers. But some agencies are paying out bonuses to every single manager.

For example, 100% of managers at Statistics Canada, the Human Rights Commission, and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, which has become the chief media censorship bureaucracy, all took performance bonuses.

Astoundingly, 100% of managers at the Public Health Agency of Canada took home bonuses. That’s the department whose reason for existence is pandemic readiness — yet were so unprepared for a pandemic it threw out much of the national medical personal protective equipment stockpile in Regina and wasted billions of dollars on unused vaccines and ventilators.


Even 100% of Veterans Affairs managers received performance bonuses, while they were counselling veterans to get assisted suicide rather than have case managers actually do their jobs and help veterans to live.



Canada Border Security Agency managers, meanwhile, received bonuses at a rate of 96% — even though the agency is in the middle of a procurement scandal over the failed COVID-era surveillance app directed at Canadian travellers called ArriveCan, where senior managers had boozy outings with IT contractors who built the app that never worked properly for millions of dollars. The app was duplicated over a weekend for tens of thousands of dollars.


Another nearly unanimous figure saw 98% of Corrections Canada execs receive bonuses — no doubt for how they handled serial killer Paul Bernardo and gay hustler/cannibal killer Luca Magnotta, putting the murderous duo in medium security behind the backs of their surviving victims.



Public Service and Procurement is, you guessed it, at 98.6% of managers are getting bonuses — it must be all the great work on procurement, fraud, and conflicts of interest over there at the department.



In the Canadian government, you can fail upward and receive cash, prizes and power. Just ask Trudeau. Have you had enough yet?

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