Jun 042024

Sandra:  to me, there is a reticence among the people interviewed to speak fully.   What does “held accountable” mean?  To me,  it means that perpetrators pay large fines AND they go to jail.  They get criminal records; they lose their status in society.   Maybe we will have a list of the covid crimes, criteria for guilt. and the severity of the related punishment.  Maybe the difficulty in speaking fully comes from our inability to imagine the enormity of the task-at-hand?

People KNEW.

UPDATE:   2024-02-26 From loss to lawsuit: Ontario dad’s emotional rollercoaster as government offers deal after son dies suddenly, Tamara Ugolini

In the small town of Creemore, Ontario, hundreds of supporters rallied behind Dan Hartman, the father of a healthy 17-year-old teen who took Pfizer’s novel COVID-19 mRNA shot to play his beloved sport of hockey – something he will never do again because he died a month after.

Supporters of grieving Ontario father Dan Hartman gathered by the hundreds in the small hamlet of Creemore over the weekend to fundraise his lawsuit against Pfizer and Health Canada.

Hartman began a quest to find answers as to why his previously healthy, athletic 17-year-old son Sean Hartman died suddenly a mere month after he took Pfizer’s novel COVID-19 mRNA injection. After a year and a half of rolling lockdowns, school closures, and social isolation, Sean was eager to return to his beloved hockey sport during indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

What began as a quest for answers turned to justice-seeking efforts as Hartman has since confirmed that Sean’s autopsy tissue samples were riddled with vaccine-derived spike protein. The findings were confirmed by pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, and are consistent with the outspoken efforts of cardiologist and internist Dr. Peter McCullough.

In a multi-million dollar lawsuit, Hartman named Pfizer Canada and Health Canada, including the Attorney General of Canada and former Health Minister Patty Hajdu, as respondents.

The claims seek damages for loss of care, guidance and companionship, shock, malfeasance in public office, deceit and fraud, negligence, punitive damages, product liability and more.

Supporters want to see Hartman successful in his endeavour to hold those responsible for the untimely and preventable death of his son accountable, especially as evidence of death continues to mount.

Hartman has an active GiveSendGo crowdfunding page and his merchandise, which he says is immune from censorship, is a great way to raise awareness for what happened to Sean.

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