Jun 272024
Dan Hartman’s story about his teenaged son’s death after his first Pfizer injection has been removed from the January 17 livestream.

Toronto Board of Health scrubs vaccine reaction story clip from public archive

A mere day and a half after the interview that I conducted with unofficial COVID data analyst Kelly Brown, where we discussed the deputation that he delivered to the Toronto Board of Health on January 17, the board privatized, then removed one speakers delegation before re-publishing the video.

How do I know? Well, because I watched the livestreamed, public meeting.

When I went back to source further references from the livestreamed, public video, posted on Friday, January 21, I was shocked to find that it had been listed as private.

A short while later, the video was re-published under the Board of Health video archive, but with at least one deputation missing — the speech of Dan Hartman.

He runs a twitter page called Answers4Sean where he claims that his 17-year-old son died a mere few weeks after his first Pfizer injection.

His entire speech and the dialogue that he had with Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam is gone!

There was one clip that made it onto social media. While it’s not the complete account, it’s better than the absolute nothing left with from the Board of Health public archive.

Some of you may remember a few months ago when I pointed relevant and important questions to Toronto Public Health, only to have them come back to me that they don’t respond to inquiries from Rebel News.

And now that I have further questions for Dr. Eileen de Villa and Toronto Public Health, I knew that they would not respond to me. This means I have to file an Access to Information Request.

Please consider helping fund this kind of investigative journalism by visiting RebelInvestigates.com.

I want to know who made this decision and why. I want to know what else has been scrubbed from the public record since March 2020 and if it is commonplace for the Board of Health to tamper with the public record?

Ontarians, the Canadian public and people everywhere need to be made aware of the allegations of COVID-19 vaccine injury and cases need to be thoroughly investigated to determine accurate cause of death. Without that, true informed consent cannot be ascertained.

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