Aug 272024

PLEASE tell me, if I misunderstand, if my statements are wrong.  Use the Comments section at bottom.  THANK-YOU.

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The Prosecutor (Steven Johnston) is appealing the jury decision, Chris Carbert not guilty of Conspiracy to murder RCMP Officers.

NOI do not think that is what Steven Johnston is appealing.

Effectively,  as I understand, the appeal says that Judge Labrenz made errors in his administration of the trial, such that the trial is invalid.

(? I have heard only positive things about Judge Labrenz’s handling of the trial, when oddities of the Law were explained to those who questioned.)  Anyhow, in the event of mistrial, a re-trial would likely be in order.

I think there is a COMPLICATION ?   SENTENCING has not yet been done – – it is being dealt with this week.  The Prosecutor filed notice of Appeal not long after the Jury’s decision was known (Carbert Not Guilty of conspiring to murder RCMP).

It’s as though the Prosecutor is playing a game of chess with the Judge???  (We’re not going to challenge that Carbert is Not Guilty;  we’re going to challenge the Judge’s conduct of the trial.)

Marco Van Huigenbos explains what Steven Johnston is Appealing in the video at this link:

2024-08-23 Coutts men: Chris Carbert breaks down trial, says crime-fraud envelope must be opened. By Jen Hodgson, Western Standard

Chris Carbert has been imprisoned for ~~2.5 YEARS.   God knows when he will be released, if Steven Johnston gets his way.


Smith CANNOT interfere in the processing by the court.  Which is right.

HOWEVER,  AFTER the court is finished its work, she is committed to holding an Inquiry.   I believe she will do that.  And that the Inquiry will be led by independent persons.

Also,  because of citizen engagement, the “Coutts” story is getting out, in spite of the appalling lack of coverage by Canadian mainstream media.  God bless us,  We TALK with each other!

The Covid mandates, meant to separate us, aren’t working.  Hallelujah!  We are the ones who will ensure that light penetrates.  I really do not like fascism.

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