With thanks to Dan for sending this,
Alex Zoltan on X:
If you’re struggling to understand the Coutts sentencing that occurred today, let me provide some mythbusting:
– They were not charged with “domestic terrorism.”
– They were not charged with possessing restricted firearms.
– They were found NOT GUILTY on the conspiracy charge.
I waited until the sentencing as I didn’t want to accidentally make a bad situation even worse – if such a thing were even possible. With the shocking sentence having been rendered, it is now appropriate for me to share my complete understanding of the Coutts Four story. The purpose of this is to put to rest much of the nonsense and misinformation that has circulated around this story from its very beginnings.
In writing on this subject, one thing I found myself ruminating on, even more than the story itself, was the relevant subplot of a lack of public interest in it. I feel that’s a subject worth dissecting before going any further. My working theory – at this time – is that, for many, there is a “disgust factor” at play. There’s already so much discontent and lost faith in Canada’s political and judicial systems – but few people want to accept that the system could be this broken.
Consider that when we slow down and drive past a car wreck on the highway, we often stare mindlessly to assess the damage; but as soon we see even the slightest sight of blood or bones spilled on the roadway, we avert our eyes and hit the accelerator. Coutts is the story of blood, bones and guts sprayed on the highway. This wasn’t a crash people could simply gawk at; it was one that exposed the fragility of the road we all travel on. And yet, despite the carnage, to the less feint of heart, there was a kind of grim, undeniable magnetism to it. It is on that note that proper “thank yous” – and a few “fly your kites” are in order (which we’ll get to later).
Like witnesses to a disaster, some of these brave and intrepid souls couldn’t help but gather around, trying to piece together what had happened, who was at fault, and whether anything could have been done to prevent it. Some were good Samaritans looking to lend a helping hand in recognition of the universal truth that “it could be them;” others merely chaos addicts and damaged souls in their own right, seeking some sort of sick redemption arch through the lens of a personal and national tragedy. In any and all cases, the wreckage of the Coutts Four affair has strewn in front of them, and across the public consciousness, a horrific car wreck of confusion and injustice – each twisted fact and mangled truth a reminder of just how quickly things can spiral out of control when the wheels come off.