Sep 102024

Linda Slobodian‘s Opinion Pieces are carried on Western Standard.

I am obviously drawn to her writing.  A search on my blog for “Slobodian”  draws 6 postings going back to Oct 2021.


About 150 people gathered for the One Million March for Children at the Calgary Municipal Buildingin 2023 to advocate for parental rights.
About 150 people gathered for the One Million March for Children at the Calgary Municipal Building in 2023 to advocate for parental rights. Courtesy Jonathan Bradley/Western Standard
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It’s a potent message: Hands off our kids. Stop indoctrinating them with gender ideology. Stop usurping parental rights. Stop attacking the nuclear family. Respect our values. Back off.

They are our children, not yours!

Canadians will take to the streets to deliver that message during the second annual 1 Million March for Children on September 20 organized by Hands Off Our Kids. The not-for-profit corporation was founded by march organizer Muslim Canadian Kamel El-Cheikh.

This growing national protest movement was launched as a Christian/Muslim initiative but has drawn in multi-faith and no-faith Canadians alike — all united to reclaim parental rights. It’s supported by influential Canadians working in the background and Canadians from all walks of life including an army of mama bears.

“What we’re saying is hands off our kids completely. We’re looking to eradicate all laws that target parents. We are looking to eradicate all laws that target our kids. We’re relentless. We’re unapologetic,” said El-Cheikh, whose passion and commitment is fierce.

“We’re confident in Canada’s parents to parent Canada’s kids. If you are in a Protestant home, or a Buddhist home, or a Muslim home, or an Orthodox Christian home, you get first dibs on how you develop that child.”

Radical activists who infiltrated politics, school boards and classrooms on a mission to sexualize children, try to derail this message directed at them. They slyly accuse protesters of hatefully targeting sexual minorities and transgender youth. It’s deceptive intimidation, a vilifying shame tactic.

They don’t want to relinquish control, so, like last year, are expected to organize counter protests under the guise of protecting children who aren’t being discriminated against.

Not everything is about Pride. This isn’t an attack on transgenders. It’s about fighting for the nuclear family to protect children. It’s about Canadians joining forces to do that.

“I want our nation united, prospering, and our kids protected. That’s what we stand for in the movement,” said El-Cheikh.

It’s also to protect freedom to “practice religion” without retaliation, a right protected by Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

“Our movement is watching mother’s hearts cry. And fathers. It’s incredibly disheartening. We’re trying to do something about it.”

Who is the ‘we’ demanding control over their children until they reach “age 18 or 19 when they can make decisions themselves?”

“This movement is 14 months old which means it’s in the infant stage. For the first time in Canadian history Muslims and Christians are working together collectively in one organization. Isn’t that lovely?”

It isn’t only Christians and Muslims — about 900 pastors and countless imams — who have “come together on a humanitarian and Canadian initiative.”

“We have Jewish Canadians in the movement. Great Canadians. We have Sikh Canadians in Abbotsford. Great Canadians. We have Buddhists and agnostics. Great Canadians.”

“We also have First Nations in the Kootenays and Vancouver city. Great Canadians. We’re attracting all kinds of Canadians.”

It has been a tough battle for those who fight the indoctrination of their children solo. They’ve been viciously attacked for opposing children’s minds being infected with gender ideology.

“We were all fighting at different times. Then somehow, we said, ‘Wait a sec here, we all have one common problem.’”

“Christians at one point protested by themselves because somehow this sexual indoctrination came into the Catholic education board. It went into the churches.  It caught parents by surprise.”

“And then you have in Ottawa where a fake gay imam (El-Farouk Khaki) went to high schools where there are predominantly Muslim Canadians. He fabricated Quranic scriptures … He caught parents by surprise and parents weren’t gonna have it.”

The “creep” has “disappeared.”

El-Cheikh said it isn’t uncommon to alter religious texts to push sexual indoctrination as soundly faith-based.

“If you’re a Muslim, I would fabricate Islamic text. If you’re a Christian, I would fabricate Christian text. The common agenda is sexual indoctrination and ‘How do we go and violate kid’s rights and parent’s rights?’”

Canadians must come together while respecting each other’s differences.

“Our commonalities are a lot.”

The problem is facing division “by design” that has flourished since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government took power in 2015.

Anyone challenging radical doctrine is branded and “boxed” by race and creed to silence them.

“If I was a white Canadian and a Christian, you’d call me white fringe. You’d probably call me right wing extremist. You’d probably call me a white supremacist, often misogynist, often racist. I happen to be a Muslim Canadian. So, what would you call me? An Islamist. Somebody who wants to pass Sharia law. Aggressive. All those stereotypes.”

The attack on the nuclear family has “united Canadians from coast to coast” despite varying opinions that a democracy allows.

Some opinions aren’t negotiable.

“In Canada where parents through nuclear families are being challenged, we’re asking silly questions like ‘What is a woman? And things like birthing persons — what are you talking about!”

“Women go through a nine-month pregnancy. It’s women that do that. Men cannot do that. If you change your sex as a woman, become a man, you’re still a biological woman.”

Not according to the CBC that breathlessly reported a St. John’s trans man achieved the impossible when he got pregnant and had a baby.

The march attracted 1.5 million last year.

“I want to beat last year’s goal of 1.5 million. It’s up to Canadians to decide if we’re going to get three or four million.”

“The mindset is one country, one flag — and that’s the Canadian flag.”

The movement reflects that.

“This movement, this march, it’s as Canadian as a beaver tail, as Canadian as Terry Fox, Whistler BC, the oil rigs of Alberta, the Parliament buildings of Ottawa … It’s as Canadian as Niagara Falls. It’s as Canadian as the potash of Canada, as the Canadian Pacific Railway.”

“We’re looking to bring back Remembrance Day. We want respect for our veterans. It’s as Canadian as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It’s as Canadian as that poppy we wear on Remembrance Day. Lest we forget. Or are we forgetting? As a Muslim, I can recite ‘on Flanders Field where the poppies grow, between the Crosses row by row…’”

“I say to my fellow Canadians, it’s not Happy Holidays, its Merry Christmas. I don’t want to be politically correct. I want to say it correctly to well wish my fellow Christian Canadians. I love them unconditionally and that’s the culture we’re looking to build.”

So, every September 20th expect Canada’s parents to “tell the nation that your kids belong to you, that you love them … that you will protect them at all costs.”

Expect resistance.

El-Cheikh pointed to Trudeau who is “spearheading” a sexual indoctrination agenda but said “governments of all levels and all parties” let parents down.

Last year the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) condemned remarks from Trudeau.

“Let me make one thing very clear: Transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia have no place in this country,” he tweeted the day of the march. “We strongly condemn this hate and its manifestations, and we stand united in support of (sexual-minority) Canadians across the country, you are valid and you are valued.”

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh marched in a counter-protest in Ottawa.

They’re now begging for votes in the next federal election from the parents they lashed out at.

Meanwhile, unions formed a rapid response team to disrupt “fascist attacks” by parents and grandparents, evidenced by a leaked video of an emergency meeting.

Fighting this entrenched mindset comes with a cost.

El-Cheikh, an accountant/auditor by profession, is targeted.

“Socially. Publicly. Government plants. Personal threats. And economically.”

His accounts on TikTok and Twitter were suspended and reinstated. His personal email was hacked “three or four times.”

“I’m being shadow banned on Facebook. So yes, they are challenging me personally. But my message is getting across.”

“We’ve all been working through personal funds for the past 14 months. This is our charity to our nation. But we’re going to need Canadians to help in any capacity they can. We are looking for funding now.”

“It’s taking time to unite the nation. We’re doing it practically and it’s going to take us years. It’s for our grandkids and their grandkids.”

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