Sep 232024

My God!  these young women are good – – AND they’re EVERYWHERE, around the Planet!   Spectacular messaging.  Have a listen to Monica.  (No fund-raising.  No donations being sought.)

Freedom activist Monica Smit has won her case against Victoria Police for false arrests but still faces up to $250,000 in court costs.

With thanks to (Rebel News) – –

Anti-lockdown campaigner Monica Smit has secured a legal victory against Victoria Police, with a court ruling that two out of three of her arrests during Melbourne’s brutal Covid lockdowns were unlawful.

However, despite this, the founder of Reignite Democracy Australia now faces the potential burden of paying up to $250,000 in legal fees.

Smit, who represented herself during the trial, stood firm against a team of taxpayer funded lawyers, stating that her motivation was public vindication rather than financial compensation.


“I got exactly what I wanted, which was public vindication,” she said, after the County Court of Victoria awarded her just $4,000 in damages for the unlawful arrests.

She revealed that she had been offered a settlement of $15,000 before the trial but turned it down as it lacked accountability.

“It wasn’t about the money; I wanted a public apology,” she said. However, due to the court awarding a lower amount, Smit now faces paying the legal costs for Victoria Police, which could exceed $250,000.


Last Thursday 12th September, I won a 13-day trial against the government self-represented. The next day the court then ordered me to pay the loser’s legal expenses of over $240,000. Yes, it’s insane I know but don’t worry it’s not over.
1. I will NOT be running a fundraiser BUT you can help by buying my audiobook 🙂
2. Don’t let the cost order be the thing you remember…remember that I won…WE WON! They want to scare you into not pursuing justice…don’t fall for it.
4. Don’t feel bad for me…this isn’t over. I will not be paying any large bills to them without negotiating and getting clear explanations.
3. This won’t stop us, this will just make us stronger. My next case will be way better and I’ve learned a lot that I can apply to that.

Smit voiced concern about the message this outcome sends to others seeking justice.

“It sends a really dangerous message that even if you win, you can still lose in the end,” she remarked, adding that she plans to appeal the decision to protect others from facing similar consequences.

Despite the financial setback, Smit remains resolute:

“I still won,” she declared, calling out Victoria Police for their unlawful actions and holding them to account in the courts.

Monica Smit / Reignite Democracy Australia
This isn’t the end…maybe it’s only the beginning 



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