Oct 132024

This may be of benefit in your work.    2 quotes from Women Who Run With the Wolves,  are appended 

They speak to  the Return to   WHO I AM  (your theme).   /Sandra

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Our society is producing children with disabilities and disease FASTER than we can develop the CAPACITY to care for them.   Which to me is apparent through the experiences of family & friends;  and which the data emphatically affirms.


No one would use the word “intelligent” to describe our behavior, no matter how many doctoral degrees are behind the policies under which this production was, and continues to be engineered.


Our Preference is to CREATE INDUSTRIES and SPECIALTIES that are DEPENDENT upon the CREATION of sick and disabled, the more the merrier.  That’s what we have – – higher proportions of sick children every decade.  Read the statistics.  A child who is free of disease is an anomaly.


I tell my child:  YOU have to do the self-advocacy work.  I have to help fight for Government, Regulators, Enforcement and Public Institutions that serve THE PUBLIC INTEREST in a clean environment.   The dis-ease is feedback. It tells us that a frightening number of children are dis-eased.  This was not the case a few decades ago.   ONE friend in my school years got sick and died (small community; families know other families and follow each other’s fortunes.  ONE sick friend who died in my 12 years of school. I do not remember a fellow student who died of dis-ease during my post-secondary education.)


Is it even POSSIBLE that we love our children? – – if we did,  would we not band together, fight the propaganda, and refuse to elect Political Parties that do not put the health of our children ahead of all else?  At this point in the game, there is no room for compromise.  Being “nice” isn’t nice;  it’s a cop-out.  “GDP” and “economic growth” that are dependent upon escalating numbers of sick, disabled, and dead is really sick.


I don’t know if there is anything in my words for you.

The Appended quotes, beginning with “A healthy woman is much like a wolf . . . “  is more likely.


Best wishes, and bless you all for your contributions to Health-full Living,  . . .


APPENDED,  2 quotes from Women Who Run With the Wolves

 speak to  The Return to    WHO I AM


1.      RE:  Women Who Run with the Wolves, by Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Scroll down in the above posting to:

“A healthy woman is much like a wolf: robust, chock-full, strong life force, life-giving, territorially aware, inventive, loyal, roving. Yet separation from the wildish nature causes a woman’s personality to become meager, thin, ghosty, spectral. We are not meant to be puny with frail hair and inability to leap up, inability to give chase, to birth, to create a life. When women’s lives are in stasis, ennui, it is always time for the wildish woman to emerge; it is time for the creating function of the psyche to flood the delta…It means to establish territory, to find one’s pack, to be in one’s body with certainty and pride regardless of the body’s gifts and limitations, to speak and act in one’s behalf, to be aware, alert, to draw on the innate feminine powers of intuition and sensing, to come into one’s cycles, to find what one belongs to, to rise with dignity, to retain as much consciousness as we can.”


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  1. Women Who Run With the Wolves, 1992 by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Excerpt from Posting at  https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=2348 

(The “young woman” is the naive in all of us, men and women.  Read this as “gender-inclusive”!)

“.. though the young woman attempts to follow the orders of the predator, and agrees to be ignorant about the secret in the cellar, she can only comply for so long.  Finally she puts the key, the question, to the door and finds the shocking carnage …  And that key, that tiny symbol of her life, suddenly will not cease its bleeding, will not cease to give the cry that something is wrong.  A woman may try to hide from the devastations of her life, but the bleeding, the loss of life’s energy, will continue UNTIL SHE RECOGNIZES THE PREDATOR FOR WHAT IT IS and CONTAINS IT.

When (women or men) open the doors of their own lives and survey the carnage there, in those out-of-the way places, they most often find they have BEEN ALLOWING SUMMARY ASSASSINATIONS of their most crucial dreams, goals, and hopes. …    

… when such a gruesome discovery is made… we can be sure the natural predator … has been at work methodically destroying a woman’s most cherished desires, concerns, and aspirations.

In fairy tales, the animal groom character is a common motif that can be understood to represent a MALEVOLENT THING DISGUISED AS A BENEVOLENT THING.  This or some proximate characterization is always present when a woman  carries naive presentiments about something or someone.  When a woman is attempting to avoid the facts of her own devastation, her night dreams are likely to shout warnings to her, warnings and exhortations to wake up! or get help! or flee! or go for the kill!”

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