Oct 212024

In an interview with The Defender, Naomi Wolf, journalist and CEO of Daily Clout, detailed the serious vaccine-related injuries that Pfizer and the FDA knew of by early 2021, but tried to hide from the public.

Naomi Wolf's book on left, covid vaccine in the middle, and Naomi Wolf image on the right

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Pfizer knew about the inadequacies of its COVID-19 vaccine trials and the vaccine’s many serious adverse effects, and so did the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But the FDA promoted the vaccines anyway — and later tried to hide the data from the public, according to Naomi Wolf, editor of “The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity.”

In an interview with The Defender, Wolf detailed the serious vaccine-related injuries that Pfizer and the FDA knew of by early 2021, based on the data from Pfizer’s clinical trials and post-marketing studies.

To produce “The Pfizer Papers,” Wolf, a journalist and CEO of Daily Clout, and Daily Clout Chief Operations Officer Amy Kelly convened thousands of volunteer scientists and doctors to analyze Pfizer data and supplementary data from other public reporting systems to capture the full scope of the vaccines’ effects. They

Wolf and Kelly obtained the data from the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, a group of more than 30 medical professionals and scientists who sued the FDA in 2021 to force the agency to release the data, after the FDA refused to comply with a Freedom of Information Act request.

A federal court in 2022 ordered the agency to release 450,000 internal documents pertaining to the licensing of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

No journalist could take on the ‘Pfizer Papers’ alone

Wolf worked for decades as a journalist in liberal legacy media. In 2020, as she watched the rights to free assembly and other liberties suspended under the guise of emergency declarations, she became a vocal critic of the constitutional violations imposed on Americans, she told The Defender.

Wolf was equally critical of the COVID-19 vaccines and alarmed by the widespread use of incentives to get people to take the emergency use authorized shots. “I’m not a medical doctor, I’m not a scientist,” she said. “I was an English major and even I know how dangerous that is. It’s madness.”

In June 2021, Wolf tweeted her concern that there were widespread reports women were suffering menstrual dysregulation after taking the shots. She called for more investigation.

“Immediately the next day, I was deplatformed from every social media platform,” she said. “And simultaneous hit pieces that were nearly identical were launched in pretty much every major news outlet” — including outlets for which she had been a columnist.

“All over the world and in every language I was turned into an anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist overnight,” she said.

Wolf was exiled from legacy media, but new doors opened. “Steve Bannon invited me on ‘The War Room’ and gave me a platform,” she said. There, she discussed the challenge of sifting through the Pfizer documents released by the FDA.

The data release was monumental and the documents were highly technical and scientific. “No journalist could have the bandwidth to go through them all,” Wolf said.

Bannon suggested she organize a volunteer team of scientists to take up the charge. Wolf put out a call and 3,250 highly credentialed scientists responded. Kelly organized them into working groups that have systematically issued key reports about what Wolf said, “turns out to be the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history.”

“The Pfizer documents are a stunning revelation of corporate greed and dishonesty, with utter disregard for the law, and Americans’ actual health,” Bannon wrote in his introduction to the book.

scales of justice

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A ‘crime against humanity’

Wolf told The Defender that because her grandparents lost eight siblings in the Holocaust, she didn’t use the language “crime against humanity” lightly. However, she said, the reports make clear that given what Pfizer knew about the damage to human health caused by the mRNA COVID-19 shots, “There’s no way to avoid concluding that this is not carelessness, it’s not greed, it’s not sloppiness at the manufacturing plant.”

“As they say in tech, ‘it’s not a bug, it’s a feature,’” she said. “In other words, damaging humans in very specific ways, very early on, was obviously a result of these injections. And instead of stopping, or pulling them off the market, Pfizer doubled down, the FDA doubled down and the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] doubled down.”

Wolf said Pfizer, the FDA and CDC made those decisions knowing that 1,223 people died from the shots in the first three months. They did it knowing that the vaccine didn’t stop infection, that it caused a long list of serious side effects in tens of thousands of people, she said.

Pfizer also manipulated data to get the FDA to sign off on the emergency use authorization (EUA), she said. In what Wolf called “one of the most damning reports in this book,” Australian anesthesiologist Dr. Jeyanthi Kunadhasan’s team found that Pfizer delayed recording deaths so they did not have to be included as part of its EUA data filing.

The researchers concluded that if Pfizer had recorded and reported the deaths in a timely manner, the FDA wouldn’t have been able to grant an EUA for the vaccine.

42,000 serious adverse events in three months, mostly in women

The “Pfizer Papers” analysts found over 42,000 case reports detailing 158,893 adverse events reported to Pfizer in the first three months following the December 2020 EUA. To process the large volume of reports, the company added 600 additional employees, the documents showed, with plans to hire a total of 1,800 people by June 2021.

Wolf said:

“These are tens of thousands of blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, neurological disorders, epilepsies, dementia, Alzheimer’s, bell’s palsy, tremors, convulsions, liver damage, kidney damage, stroke, so many kinds of skin eruptions, eye damage, blindness, respiratory illness.”

The most common side effect was myalgia or muscle pain and the second-most common side effect was joint pain, which people often don’t realize is related to the injection, she said. The third most common side effect was COVID-19 because the vaccine didn’t stop transmission.

However, “the centerpiece” of “The Pfizer Papers” is Pfizer’s experimentation on human reproduction, Wolf said. The papers reveal that Pfizer knew early on that the shots were causing menstrual damage at scale, she said.

The company reported to the FDA that 72% of the recorded adverse events were in women. Of those, about 16% involved reproductive disorders and functions.

The papers show that in the clinical trials, thousands of women experienced daily bleeding, hemorrhaging, and passing of tissue, and thousands of women reported that their menstrual cycle stopped completely.

“They knew they were ruining women,” she said.

Pfizer even told vaccinated men not to have intercourse with women of childbearing age, and if they did, to use two reliable forms of contraception, she added.

Effects on babies ‘will chill your soul’

Pfizer was aware that lipid nanoparticles from the shots accumulated in the ovaries and crossed the placental barrier, compromising the placenta and keeping nutrients from the baby in utero, Wolf said.

Babies had to be delivered early, she said, and women were hemorrhaging in childbirth.

That also means that the particles entered the amniotic sac, and the membranes around the testes of baby boys, according to the papers. The future effects on those baby boys are unknown.

One of the most disturbing reports in the papers, she said, is the pregnancy lactation report, “that will chill your soul.” The report describes the effects on nursing babies of recently vaccinated mothers. The list includes fever, vomiting and edema, or swollen tissue, among many other issues.

“One baby convulsed and died in the hospital of multi-organ failure,” Wolf said. “These babies were inconsolable. They [Pfizer] knew they were poisoning breast milk, and to this day they haven’t told vaccinated moms not to breastfeed.”

The report also includes a description of two babies who died in utero, she said, which Pfizer concluded was due to maternal exposure to the vaccine.

Pfizer sent the pregnancy and lactation report detailing the vaccine’s effects on women and babies to the FDA on April 20, 2021. Two days later, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky gave a White House press conference, during which she told women there was no bad time to get a COVID-19 shot — before, during or after pregnancy.

‘What’s the point of legacy media if they won’t cover the story?’

In a Google search for “The Pfizer Papers,” the first unsponsored search result is a Pfizer webpage titled Fighting Harmful Effects of Covid Vaccine Misinformation, followed by a Lancet article on COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness.

Wolf said she’s been fighting this type of censorship since she was first deplatformed.

“As a journalist, what is so devastatingly upsetting to me is that this is the biggest story of the 21st century, and The New York Times and The Washington Post have done nothing about it,” even though Wolf publicly offered to share her materials with them.

“The only coverage has been from alternative media, which is just heartbreaking,” she said. “What’s the point of legacy media if they won’t cover the story?”

Wolf said that because the reports in “The Pfizer Papers” are summaries of Pfizer data that link to primary source documents, they can’t be dismissed. They’re not interpretive, she said. They are not scientists’ and doctors’ opinions.

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‘These scientists and doctors have done a service to humanity’

Wolf said in the midst of this “depressing overview of a horrible crime,” “The Pfizer Papers” also offered some hope for the vaccine-injured.

In many cases, the expert analysis provided a detailed explanation of how the vaccine caused the damage. Understanding how the damage occurred, said Wolf, “helps us to begin to understand how to treat this kind of damage.”

Inflammatory conditions can be mitigated through changing diet and other practices, she said. For all of the people facing blood clotting and other blood issues, there are also ways to support healthy blood flow.

These may be examples, she said, of “very crude initial responses to a very sophisticated assault on the human body. But to me, they’re very hopeful because people are desperate and they feel like ticking time bombs.”

She added:

“These scientists and doctors have done such a service to humanity because they’ve really deeply analyzed how this bioweapon so delicately hurt every single system of the human body.

“And by truly understanding that, you see how to begin to — I don’t want to say unwind or undo the damage. I don’t know if that’s possible —but how to help the body to support its own healing.”

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