Feb 032025

UPDATE,  by Feb 16:    the posting is “Not found”.

Click on  link>     https://makismd.substack.com/p/new-podcast-15-minutes-with-drmakis-575

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

1.    Re: virus and ANTI-PARASITIC (ivermectin).

Makis emphasizes that Ivermectin is an ANTI-PARASITIC.     He explains it and its role in fighting covid.

Search my blog for the word “ivermectin”.   The first entry was in 2021.   29 postings contain the word.  (A few  hold duplicate information, none of it contradictory.)   In high school I worked in a rural drug store.   Behind the counter,  accessible by prescription, were the Pharma drugs.  In a corner of the drug store,  available off the shelf,  were the drugs for the cows, horses, chickens – – for “animal husbandry”, the food we eat.  Sometimes animal husbandry and the husbandry of human animals used the same drugs.

Search my memory:  in the 1950’s  my Mother de-wormed her flock of kids once a year.   We lined up in the kitchen before breakfast, opened our mouths, swallowed the sometimes foul-tasking cure.  Not bad enough, the “cure” had to be repeated after the first round of kill-off of the parasite, after the eggs had had time to hatch.   It was ASSUMED that we would have parasites.  They come with living on Earth.

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2.    Question re ANTI-FUNGAL (my experience with a communicable disease) and (Deduction??)  – – the health of my immune system.


There are parasites in the world we inhabit.  There are fungi in the world we inhabit.  (The Netflix documentary Fantastic Fungi (2019)  created awareness of their role in the world.  Since then, documentaries, products and learning aids have blossomed, also under mushroom names.

To link my Question back to Dr Makis and ANTI-PARASITICS,  START WITH UNDERSTANDING WHAT A MYCOTOXIN IS  (thanks to Wikipedia):

My awareness emerges from AGRICULTURE.

A mycotoxin (from the Greek μύκης mykes, “fungus” and τοξικός toxikos, “poisonous”)[1][2] is a toxic secondary metabolite produced by fungi[3][4] and is capable of causing disease and death in both humans and other animals.[5][6] The term ‘mycotoxin’ is usually reserved for the toxic chemical products produced by fungi that readily colonize crops.[7]

Examples of mycotoxins causing human and animal illness include aflatoxin, citrinin, fumonisins, ochratoxin A, patulin, trichothecenes, zearalenone, and ergot alkaloids such as ergotamine.[5]

One mold species may produce many different mycotoxins, and several species may produce the same mycotoxin.[8]

Production   – –

Most fungi are aerobic (use oxygen) and are found almost everywhere in extremely small quantities due to the diminutive size of their spores. They consume organic matter wherever humidity and temperature are sufficient. Where conditions are right, fungi proliferate into colonies and mycotoxin levels become high. The reason for the production of mycotoxins is not yet known; they are not necessary for the growth or the development of the fungi.[9] Because mycotoxins weaken the receiving host, they may improve the environment for further fungal proliferation. The production of toxins depends on the surrounding intrinsic and extrinsic environments and these substances vary greatly in their toxicity, depending on the organism infected and its susceptibility, metabolism, and defense mechanisms.[10]


I had TB in 2005.   It was stopped before it became contagious, with anti-fungal treatment:  repeat – –  I overcame TB with an  ANTI-FUNGAL protocol in (2005).    Ivermectin is an anti- parasite,  used to overcome covid. 

Dr Makis explains the efficacy of the anti-parasitic.  I explain the efficacy of the anti-fungal in my case,  in a bit different way – – because we are individuals, not all the same.  Cause-and-effect is not linear.

My understanding comes from working on the question of WHY is there this HUGE push to introduce GMO wheat (genetically engineered wheat) to the market when NO ONE wants it? . . .  Not farmers and not consumers.  Who does that leave?

In the field trials for Genetically-modified crops (Monsanto’s herbicide-tolerant – – “roundup-ready “RR”” for example) gmo wheat came with an increased load of fungus, in comparison with red fife wheat, for example.

Saskatchewan people  – –  think of the fungus FUSARIUM that plagued early crops and was overcome through

  1. public-interest seed development (e.g. Red Fife Wheat)
  2. regulation: a truckload of grain brought to the elevator had to be tested.   Any fusarium found meant that the truckload of grain AND the the remainder of the grain produced on the same field HAD TO BE DESTROYED.   It could not enter the human diet directly as a grain;  NOR could it enter the human diet by being used as feed grain  for animals.
  3. REMEMBER:  A mycotoxin (from the Greek μύκης mykes, “fungus” and τοξικός toxikos, “poisonous”)[1][2] is a toxic secondary metabolite produced by fungi[3][4] and is capable of causing disease and death in both humans and other animals.[5][6] The term ‘mycotoxin’ is usually reserved for the toxic chemical products produced by fungi that readily colonize crops.[7]

For as long as seed selection was in the public interest,   it was very difficult for mycostoxins to enter the food system, directly or indirectly.  Canada enjoyed the benefits of a reputation for high-quality grain.

That changed when corporations like Monsanto undertook the dismantling of the protections for our food supply,  which had taken 3 generations to construct.



I argue “yes”,  and my personal experience is compelling:

2005-10-28 Related: pharmaceuticals in h2o supply, resistant organisms, myco toxins, Tuberculosis

Item (4)  at the link is  MUST FIND A DIFFERENT PATH

SO!  the information leads me to think that we must find a different path.  We will never find the path if we don’t search for it.

I saw the naturopathic doctor.
His analysis is that the reason I have TB is most likely because I have a fungal infestation in my body that is producing a large load of mycotoxins
(a form of toxaemia, I believe).  The infestation is not visible of course.  I am uncertain about the familiarity of  allopathic doctors with the production and role of mycotoxins in health.  My experience with TB suggests there is an information gap.

The evidence to date says that the naturopathic doctor is right.  Four months after anti-fungal and supporting treatment and diet, I no longer suffer the symptoms of the TB.  And my vitality has returned.   (There is more to this story, told in later postings.)

IMPORTANT:  I am very fortunate.  In my case the TB is “encapsulated” and therefore not contagious at this point.  I cannot infect other people.  I hope to arrest and reverse the growth of the fungal colonies in my body.  (three different fungi,  one of which is not found in Canada.  The ND thought there was a mistake, because it was unlikely I would have a fungus infestation from that part of the world.   But the diagnosis was right – – I HAD BEEN in that part of the world.

At the outset, after the diagnosis of TB,  I asked the ND:   WHY didn’t my immune system take care of the TB?  30% of the population walks around with TB organisms that don’t become active.  He said early on that he didn’t think the problem was the TB.   He was right – – the problem was the mycotoxins.

My immune system was struggling, trying to rid itself of poisonous mycotoxins.   With THE RIGHT actions (ANTI-FUNGAL)  my body recovered and I returned to health.

I have to be careful about how I say this.

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When the TB was over-powered it felt so good to have my energy and vitality back, and there is so much that I want to do with my work, that I began to neglect the treatment.  The diet says no sugars (yeast is a fungus).  From making bread you know that without sugar the yeast
can’t grow.  The diet works with the treatment:  an anti-fungal kills the yeast, and you cut off the food supply for the fungus (think yeast) so there is nothing to feed what doesn’t get killed by the anti-fungal.

The diet says no alcohol because in similar fashion it feeds the yeast.

Well, when I go to conferences or weddings  (not usual, I’ve been at 2 weddings and 3 conferences lately!), I go off the diet.  I ate desserts loaded with sugar, drank some wine, and coffee (caffeine).  And I don’t get the rest needed to enable my body to have extra resources for fighting the fungus (mycotoxins) and TB.  The weather is such that I can no longer lay out in the healing sun.  Coincidentally I ran out of the anti-fungal, etc, treatments and didn’t re-stock immediately.  Although I felt energetic,  there was obviously still fungus and TB organisms floating around inside because the symptoms of the TB are back again.  Damn!  It is nothing to mess around with – a million people world-wide die of TB each year and the number is rising if the disease incidence is rising.  (If you would argue that my lack of discipline is proof that the drug treatment should be used, I counter with the argument that there are many people who contract TB and are prescribed drug therapy who never complete the 8 month drug protocol which is known to then contribute to the evolution of resistant TB strains because incomplete treatment leaves only the strongest organisms behind, or so the argument goes. There has to be experimentation with alternatives, and like it or not, I am in a position to serve as an experimental animal.)

I go back to the TB Control Centre, November 3rd, for x-rays to see where the TB is at.  I expect it will show that I have a small amount yet to deal with, significantly down from where it was  during my last visit.  Then I will see the naturopathic doctor on November 7th.  Working with both
allopathic and alternative practitioners will work if I maintain discipline.  It is sooo easy to let down your guard, especially when confronted by a chocolate brownie, or the sociability of a glass of wine.  Easy and also stupid (I admit!).


My Grandmother-in-law, from Brandon, MB had tuberculosis in the 1940’s.  She spent 2 years at the sanatorium in the Qu’Appelle Valley in Saskatchewan and was cured of the disease without the use of drugs.  She lived a healthy life into her 80’s.  I doubt she was given any anti-fungal treatment.  With anti-fungal treatment, I believe it will turn out that in my case, the disease could have been overcome in, say 6 months.  (Please see the February 2012 posting on the “cure” of my case of TB.)

Drug treatment is a large drain on the economy of Saskatchewan.  All the profits are siphoned out of the province by foreign transnational corporations.  If you consider “the externalities”,

      • the cost of resistant organisms
      • the cost of poisoned water
      • the cost of long term unknown side effects, AND
      • the cost of very low multiplier effects  (“multiplier effects” of keeping the money here circulating and available in our own communities)
      • the opportunity costs of lost meaningful jobs

you would conclude that empowerment of our immune systems, employing local care givers, would help to address problems.  Or you may have some other idea that would move us onto a sound path forward.  We need the debate and the experimentation.  It could lead to the establishment of model health care facilities that would attract TB patients from around the world, just as my Grandmother-in-law was attracted from Manitoba to Saskatchewan.   Opportunity and job creation.  You know the demand is rising.  We COULD develop a world-class treatment centre, attractive because:

      • it doesn’t add to the problem of resistant organisms
      • it demonstrates how it is possible to stop the flow of pharmaceuticals into water supplies.

Very innovative!
I’d be impressed.

It is unfortunate when Medicare promotes allopathic medicine as a sole answer (it is almost unheard of not to take the drug protocol for TB).  In spite of the cost of going to alternative therapies, many people find the money to use them.  But then many are prevented because they can’t round up the funds.  In my case, I view it that my “life” depends on it.

I could take the drug protocol, of course and right away “save” my life (I might be nauseated and sick for 8 or 9 months).  But there will have been no long term evaluations to see whether down-the-road I will suffer from other maladies that become manifest only in the long term.  If a fungal overgrowth is the root of the problem, and goes unaddressed because only the TB has been treated, it is pretty well guaranteed that I will have recurring health problems.

Also, there is responsibility on my part to force the issue, along with others who are doing the same.  I am aware of the consequences for my children and theirs if we do not exercise our social ingenuity to remove the obstacles that prevent us from moving forward, from addressing the issues of pharmaceuticals in the water supply and our knowing contribution to the development of resistant organisms, a deadly game.

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(a)  * Some of my information and the diet is from the book, “Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook, Revised 2nd Edition, Everything You Need to Know About Prevention, Treatment & Diet” by Jeanne Marie Martin with Zoltan P. Rona, M.D., (2000).

One problem with the symptoms listed in the book, or maybe MY problem, is that the symptoms experienced by different people are so many and varying that almost anything could be a symptom! And of course, those symptoms could also be the symptoms of many other illnesses. Other than that (which is likely MY problem) I found the book to be very informative.

I suspect that the symptoms are many because a fungal infestation in different parts of the body would create different symptoms.  The mycotoxin load COMPROMISES the ability of the IMMUNE SYSTEM to do its job.

(b)  The information on the USDA web-site about mycotoxins in our food supply, so far as it is related, is consistent with the information from the book.   We have talked about it:  THE INCREASE IN FUSARIUM (A FUNGUS) FOUND IN FOOD CROPS TREATED WITH ROUNDUP (GLYPHOSATE) – a concern because it is another vector through which myco-toxins can enter the food supply.

Missing in the discussion?  – –  Genetically-engineered crops are typically engineered to enable the SPRAYING of the crop with a chemical that would normally kill the plants.  The seed is engineered such that the crop can be sprayed with the particular chemical and NOT DIE.  It seems pretty straight-forward to me:  PLANTS have an immune system,  the SAME as HUMAN BEINGS have an immune system.

I will not be healthy if the poisons in my “environment” overpower my immune system.   . . .  DUH.

In health, we NORMALIZE what is NOT NORMAL  (how about cancers and “turbo cancers”?)  .  .  .  but enough from me!


(Monsanto’s products were purchased by Bayer Crop Science after Robert F Kennedy Jr led the California court case against Monsanto and scored a big win that took Monsanto down (except that in Canada, it still exists in some form, for example, at the University of Saskatchewan).

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