With thanks to Rebel News and Senior Reporter Tamara Ugolini
Dear Sandra,
A series of bombshell emails has just been released implicating Canada’s outgoing Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, in overseeing a series of experimental drug trials on Inuit infants without parental or community consent.
This information first came to light through an Access to Information request by Bret Sears, who uncovered a staggering 450,000-page treasure trove of emails detailing a secretive research program led by one of Canada’s chief architects behind the Orwellian COVID-19 response.
The program aimed to study the efficacy of an AstraZeneca drug to reduce RSV-related hospitalizations, but ultimately failed to achieve its goals.
Independent investigator Donald Best reviewed many of these emails. He found that despite concerns raised by health-care workers about the lack of informed consent and the absence of Inuit community involvement in the decision-making process, the trials continued.
Click here for my full report.
This was nothing but an unethical and appalling experiment on vulnerable babies.
And despite the failures, the drug, known as PVZ, is still being recommended for “infants and young children with health conditions that make them vulnerable to severe RSV disease.”
This information has been buried in secrecy for years. It adds to the alarming pattern of medical experiments conducted on Canada’s Indigenous communities and Canadians at large at the hands of Canada’s Public Health Agency.
These findings leave us with an important question: How far did these unethical practices go, and who, if anyone, will be held responsible?
Yours truly,
Tamara Ugolini
P.S. To support this kind of work and learn more about the novel modified mRNA injections, please visit NoMoreShots.ca. There you can also help us call on Minister Mark Holland to revoke market authorization for the COVID shots. Click here to find out how.