Oct 232011

NOTE:  the newscast in the link below arises out of a YouTube video

” . . .Sgt. Thomas stood up to the NYPD during the protests in Times Square and told the officers that hurting peacefully protesting American citizens is wrong. His message seemed to work on the officers present since they backed down. Now more members of the military are joining the movement . . .  ”


 —– Original Message —–

(From Jim in the U.S.) 

    Better LATE than NEVER – we need everyone on board, including the military;  since they’ve been dying and getting damaged for LIES for far too long! 

Occupy Marines Bringing Reinforcements To Occupy The Nation:


The Occupy Marines site:


And to confuse matters more…..

                           ….there is that bumper sticker: 

Support the troops. 

We’ll need them to overthrow the Government.

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