Oct 112012

Information Services Corporation (ISC) manages provincial records – – vital statistics, land titles, health cards, and more.

The title of today’s news article does not tell you the seriousness of a Government sale of this crown corporation.

It is called “Massively Organized Information” (MOI).  The Government (Brad Wall) will sell the Crown Corporation that handles all the information on citizens in Saskatchewan to the private sector, if we are silent.



2012-10-11 Province mulls sale of Information Services Corporation


I phoned Brad Wall (premier)’s office:  306  787  0958.  (His email is:  premier@gov.sk.ca)


– The records of births, deaths, and marriages used to be in a Government Department, “Vital Statistics“.

– There was a Government Department for “Land Titles“.

– In 2000, a crown corporation, “Information Services Corp” (ISC) was established to handle land transactions.  http://www.isc.ca/About/History/Pages/default.aspx)

ISC expanded, bit by bit:   ” When ISC was formed … (2000), we were given the responsibility to complete the LAND project and to integrate the Land Titles system with Geographic Information System (GIS) data.  Over the years, our services have expanded to include

  • the vital statistics,
  • survey,
  • personal property and
  • corporate registries and
  • related geographic information.”

In 2008 I phoned about a health card;  a recorded message advised that it is now handled by “Information Services Corporation”.

PLEASE see   2008-10-23 “Information Services Corp”, beware of Government Fronts.. .

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