May 152013

Can you help?   Do you know a family that has experienced breast or prostate (or other) cancer?

Please let them know about the March against Monsanto.   I guarantee, they will have fun at the March. And everyone will feel better, doing something to stop the poisoning.

It is known that breast cancer is higher in farming communities.

The top oncology radiologist in Canada told me 10 years ago that there was an emerging epidemic of cancer among farm men.

(And I will always remember the research of, and my conversations with Dr. Elizabeth Guillette about the effects of farm chemicals on the cognitive development, not to mention health of children.)

The effects are not restricted to rural families. The poisons are built into our food supply as the information circulated yesterday shows.

Today I am going to contact every organizer I can find of a

– Run for Breast Cancer or

– Awareness of Prostate Cancer

to tell them about the  Amazing mobilizations!   The  Whole World against Monsanto (GMO’s)  happening around the world the last Saturday in May (May 25th). (Saskatoon: 12 noon, meet at Kinsmen Park across from the Mendel Art Gallery.)

Together we can reach thousands of people.  It will be great if you can help.  It will make a big difference if each of us talks to only 3 others.

I have worked with others on GMO’s for 10 years.  There are many who have worked for much longer.

TODAY there is a whole movement that is cresting – – it is unlike anything I have seen in the past.

NOW is the time to drive as hard as we can.  For a week.

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