Jun 082013

What do you think about this?

  • In an interview with Dr. Mercola, Dr. Elaine Ingham says GMO plant material “ulcerates” the digestive system of animals.  (thanks to Lynn for sending the article.)
  • Isn’t that the same as was said by the entomologist interviewed by Anna Maria Tremonti . . .  the larvae feeds on the root of the corn plant. That food then eats holes in” the digestive system of the larvae”.  The larvae dies.
  • All of which is reinforced by a video of an American farmer who saw his herd become sick and destroyed.  He traced it to the GM corn he was feeding them.   (I’ll track down the video and post the link.  It’s on this blog somewhere!)


. . .   But, … but honey! – – WE are eating the same GMO food (it’s just not labelled, we are kept in the dark).


In an earlier posting,  I wanted a better idea of WHAT FOODS ON THE GROCERY SHELF have GMO ingredients?  How much are we actually eating? 


I stumbled on food lists for people that have allergies to soy and then one for allergies to canola oil – – those are two of the largest GM crops.  If you are eating food with soy, canola, or corn you are almost assuredly eating GM plant material.


Which raises the obvious question:


  • Are people “allergic to” canola and soy  – – which implies that THEY, the people, have a problem   OR
  • Do GMO canola and GMO soy (and GMO corn?) make people sick? – – which is to say, the problem is THE FOOD, not the people.


If you remember the entomologist describing how the insect larvae is killed by the GM corn plant, and then read about Dr. Elaine Ingham’s work – – GMO plant material “ulcerates” the digestive system of animals,


If you’re smart enough to know that human beings are animals, not that much different from these other creatures,  AND you have an idea of how much GM plant material is in the average diet of a North American, you might want to . . .  I don’t know – – what does it make you feel like doing?



I want to help spread the word.  Lots of people are doing the same which is inspiring.  It should not be out of ignorance that we feed our families GM food products.


I updated the posting  A closer look at GMO ingredients in store-bought food.  It has the link to the Mercola article about Dr. Elaine Ingham’s work.


For the next international MAM in my community (March Against Monsanto October 12, 2013)  there is already talk about the possibility of a “lead-up” evening where we discuss “How” GM food works.  Too many people are not aware.  They cannot make informed choices about what they are eating.


A closer look at GMO ingredients in store-bought food

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