Jul 152023

People stepping up to the plate.  They’re speaking out because they’re worried.  That’s the pattern.    (I just want to keep track.  I don’t have time at the moment to write up more.)   The film “Final Account” (Netflix).  A series of interviews of older people who played a role in the Nazi machinery.  If you […]

Jul 142023

15 postings listed at bottom. If you have time for only one posting,  make it #1 under the FOR YOUR SELECTION links at bottom:   2023-07-09 (covid mandates) The Appeal made to the EU Parliament regarding the Artur Pawlowski case in Alberta There were  remaining charges related to the Coutts blockade.  “Mischief”,  deemed to be […]

Jul 132023

RELATED:   Report #1 NOTE:  I am hoping for help from the journalist, the only one I know of,  who wrote an article about REPORT #1.  (It’s at the link Report #1 ).  From what I see and understand – – REPORT #2 is a CUMULATIVE report,  from the start of the programme up to June […]

Jul 132023

From: Sandra Finley Sent: July 13, 2023 Subject: FW: a killer gathering I had a casual conversation yesterday with a person who works at the Vancouver Convention Centre. A question got stuck in my mind.  Why would the Qatari’s be at an LNG Convention in Vancouver?   Something wrong with their oil? It turns out that […]

Jul 112023

The EU Parliament heard an appeal re Canadian Artur Pawlowski.  But you heard that on “The News?”.  Right? UPDATE: Artur Pawlowski will be sentenced on August 9th, 2023,  Lethbridge Court House.  I will be there.   The largest display of support possible for Pawlowski is essential.  Do the Action Alerts (below), and/or Come to Lethbridge! From: […]

Jul 112023
2023-07-11  Covid Court Case from April 2021:  84-year-old Protestor of mandated masks for children, Saskatoon - - court fines her $1,400

From: Marjaleena Repo Sent: July 11, 2023 Subject: My trial and the judgment DAY ONE IN COURT: THE TRIAL First day in Saskatoon’s provincial court, July 6, ’23.  The trial is about disobeying Public Health Orders of having more than ten people assemble at an outdoors event, the Children’s Freedom Rally in Saskatoon April 24, […]

Jul 102023

A Childhood Unspoken   https://secondstorypress.ca/azrieli/a-childhood-unspoken This line spoken by author Marie (Mariette) Doduck in a CBC interview  lodged in my mind:   “It’s happening again and it won’t be just Jews.” I read the small book.  I recommend it.  It costs $15 new. “Mariette has always been a reluctant but powerful educator. Her memoir, A Childhood Unspoken, considers […]

Jul 092023

Dan writes:   Before anyone takes any drug made by Pfizer again, they ought to watch this.  A description of the company’s origins and their long criminal record. drsambailey.com The Story of Pfizer Inc. – Dr Sam Bailey Dr. Bailey writes: The Health Freedom Defense Fund published a devastating essay on the 19th of June, 2023: […]

Jul 082023

The Constant Gardener  is the title of a novel by John le Carré.  It became a movie. From: Sandra Finley Sent: December 9, 2016 To: mysteries and more   at   gmail.com Subject: Your blogged review of The Constant Gardener   TO MR. SELNES Dear Mr. Selnes, Today,  someone did an internet search on the words “Saskatchewan and Constant […]