Feb 142022

Suggest:  scroll down to Here’s What Happened EXCERPT:  We are writing to put you on notice that should you recommend this pediatric EUA vaccine to children under five years old, CHD is poised to take legal action against you.    Dear Sandra, The FDA won’t be meeting tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean we stop the […]

Feb 142022

  Peter van Oordt – Puslinch Fire & Rescue Services FIRED the day after posting his video discussing his right to Medical Autonomy. Peter’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLOQ… The Canadian Constitution is Supreme Law.   Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 – The supremacy clause – https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc… #PetervanOordt #civilrights #medicalautonomy Provision 52.(1) The Constitution of Canada […]

Feb 142022

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juaLpwR_-tk     Ed Grenier, a Retired OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) Officer who attended the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa last weekend and will attend this weekend with his family, asks police to stand down. “For police officers in uniform, your country needs you now, show them why you became a police officer. A rally is […]

Feb 142022

Forward to the 13 minute mark.   The conversation leads up to the conclusion  17:43 minute mark:   I want to make sure that we understand that our struggle is not against a government because the government is, in fact, nothing more than a facade.  . . .  (listen to the video.  David Martin says it better […]

Feb 142022

One reference the nurse makes:  CBC reported a story that Social Services were going to apprehend children of the Truckers because of the conditions in which they are living.  It was at a time of heightened fear-mongering by the Government.  I did not post the CBC article because the intention of it was obvious and […]

Feb 122022
2022-01-26   Former premier Brian Peckford's lawsuit against the Government over the Charter Right to (travel) has been filed & served.  (Vaccine passports are illegal - - a removal of Constitutional Rights).

The lawsuit is filed in Federal Court, which is like fast-tracking. A win in Federal Court, if challenged, would go straight to the Supreme Court of Canada for a final ruling.   The Charter’s only living signatory sues Canada over travel mandates POSTED ON: JANUARY 26, 2022 FORMER PREMIER THE HONOURABLE BRIAN PECKFORD OTTAWA:  The Justice […]

Feb 122022
2022-02-10   Freedom Convoy - Address To Canadians by Tom Morazzo

Day 13 – Feb 10th 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKMAOFCpVfQ&t=4s      COMMENTS Bernd G. 1 day ago My highest respect! I’m fully with you: End the mandates, and let’s make sure this never happens again! Shevaun Charles 1 day ago I live in Ottawa and my whole family supports the movement!! The mandates are illegal and we […]