May 082021

Received in reply to the last email I sent out,  2021-03-26  (copy below): Sandra, I am appalled to see this message.  You are potentially contributing to pandemic harm by invoking vaccine harms, in a context in which (my City) has the largest covid variant spike in the country.  This is not evidence of critical thinking […]

May 072021

A uniting force for Mothers, the original Mother’s Day Proclamation  (below) But start with: Two Excerpts from Kent Nerburn’s Neither Wolf Nor Dog, sub-title “On Forgotten Roads . . . ”. See, the men like my grandpa Dan, they are still fighting.  You’re helping them fight.  That’s good.  But it’s our turn now – – […]

Apr 202021

by Stefania Maurizi In an in-depth interview with Il Fatto Quotidiano, Nils Melzer discusses his investigation on the WikiLeaks founder, which has made him speak out as a whistleblower and raise an alarm on this case and its implications: “We have already created a parallel world of secret services that controls everything”. Melzer is right […]

Apr 192021

A note I sent: Just before opening your “Vets4Peace” I commented on an article.  It was apparent that the author was unaware of the history – – there was no reference to it. The U.S. Military WOULD BE more resistant to forced vaccination than the population at large.  A million of their members and first […]

Mar 042021

Jack’s request for advice is appended. Reply From: Sandra Finley Sent: March 4, 2021 Subject: re Labor Force Survey  and  upcoming Census Hi Jack,  (Edited for clarity, May 30) When StatsCan reels in a live fish, they don’t like to let it go.   Unfortunately. StatsCan doesn’t appear to evaluate the effectiveness of what they’re doing, […]

Feb 142021

Derek writes: This really bothers me….I see it as a slithery ploy by Trudeau and Freeland to finally allow bulk sale of fresh water to the States under some mumble mouthed phrase that will be interpreted by “an independent Tribunal of corporate CEOs”. If you have any way of supporting Sandra Finley please do.  (simply […]

Feb 112021

The Unlikeliest Pandemic Success Story How did a tiny, poor nation manage to suffer only one death from the coronavirus? Story by Madeline Drexler FEBRUARY 10, 2021   On january 7, a 34-year-old man who had been admitted to a hospital in Bhutan’s capital, Thimphu, with preexisting liver and kidney problems died of COVID-19. […]

Feb 062021

Honourable Chrystia Freeland and Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, RE:  Request for “Pre-budget” input “Same old” won’t work. Your request for input is a component of a Communications Strategy. As long as you persist with the teachings of the MBA and other “business” strategies,  you are undermining democracy.   When you inhale your own gas, and […]

Jan 242021

QUESTION:  Can Water issues be used to help understand the difference between terms like Revolution, Coup, Insurrection, Insurgents, Counter-Insurgency, Up-rising? these are political terms, they are not legal or technical terms, they are used and abused in the media and used interchangeably .  I don’t think the meanings/distinctions are clear. In some situations the term […]

Sep 242020

There is a large factor to be considered:   Corruption. How much money the Cameco executives, for example, are making.  (Cameco is vertically integrated.  Uranium mining and Nuclear industry.) Provinces like Saskatchewan do not have laws against Corporate contributions to political parties. How much influence Anne McLellan, one of the “Good ol’ boys” in Liberal circles,  […]