Sep 082020

Hey!  Some good news.    /Sandra Kim writes: This Greenpeace test to detect GM crops is an important breakthrough that should help keep Bayer/Monsanto and other ag biotech companies in check. htt ZZ  ps://ww ZZ ZZ  peace  ZZ dot org/  ZZ  eu-unit/issues/nature-food/4102/  ZZ  first-open-source-detection-test-for-a-gene-edited-gm-crop-2/    (SORRY!  To view the posting, copy the URL and then remove […]

Sep 042020

From: Sandra Finley Sent: September 4, 2020 Subject: To  CBC:  what gets reported  affects my decision to turn off the radio Hello Gregor and Crew, I appreciate On the Island. I want myself AND others to have access to good quality media. FYI. And you might want to forward this to the producer of World […]

Aug 232020

From: Sandra Finley To: thesundayedition; Melanie Simms Subject: re Secrets about Salaries. Cultural taboos. Subversion. Dear Kevin Sylvester and Melanie Simms, (I was raised in small-c conservative rural farm culture; graduated from a College of Commerce a long time ago.  I did not intend to become an activist, a subversive as you name it.  An […]

Aug 202020

Glen Assoun was wrongfully convicted of murder.  He spent close to 17 years in prison.  The podcast Dead Wrong is a careful and troubling documentation of the miscarriage of justice. I speak to one aspect of the remedy.  I am afraid it will not be considered, even though it is one root of the problem. Tim […]

Aug 142020

(Organization Name) does NOT FACTOR THE ROLE OF CORRUPTION into its campaigns. You can bleat all you want, nothing changes if corruption is not addressed. See below, a list of compelling statements by seven “thinkers of the day”. A hundred more examples could be added. The “research” on vaccines that is done in Canadian universities […]

Aug 092020
2020-07-08   Bill Gates: From Entrepreneur to Supervillain  (consequences for covid)

A leader with an unbridled ego is a danger The conclusions of the article are an important contribution to the discussions re covid vaccine.  Bill Gates: From Entrepreneur to Supervillain Barry Brownstein – July 8, 2020 Bill Gates is regretting things left undone. Gates is sorry he hasn’t done “more to call attention to the […]

Jul 032020

This is serious enough to post and share. I am okay running the risk that I might be wrong.  The cost of being right and keeping my mouth shut is too high. RE:  Revisions to Copyright Laws, simultaneously in a number of western countries, June 2019:   The conundrum, without the detail: Reference:  One year of […]

Jul 032020

NOTE:   This is 2016.  I keep copy for my own purposes – – documentation of the b.s. from StatsCan and response.    Since then, as documented in another posting,  the Statistics Act DID undergo some changes. Hi again Christine, I had the conversation with the knowledgeable person about whether the Statistics Act has been […]