Feb 152024

      Subject: Next Evidentiary Video:  Military Moral Injury with Dr. Kelly Denton-Borhaug The next evidentiary video episode of the Tribunal is a fascinating conversation with Dr. Kelly Denton-Borhaug, whose work began soon after the events of 9/11 with her investigation of what she came to call “U.S. war-culture.” In more recent years, Denton-Borhaug’s […]

Feb 152024

CONNECTED ITEMS (The links take you to the material.) These are some of the escalating “signatures” on what will be the rotting corpse of Canadian “Peace, Order, and Good Governance”. Fortunately, Replacement Parts are coming!   Start with  We Will Do Better – – NEXT TIME – – say the Police (re Inquiry into Invocation […]

Feb 152024

SIU (Structured Intervention Unit!)  . . .   My Reply to Tony Doob’s input follows. From: Anthony Doob Sent: February 13, 2024 Subject: Re: Words that obfuscate (orwellian), Solitary Confinement and . . . Hi Good morning.  I do like your friend’s answer to the question “What do these three words — structured intervention unit — […]

Feb 152024

I am interested in Canada as a satellite country of the USA.    This was put together 14 years ago.  I’ll review it.   Call it a working copy.  /Sandra The chronology was developed because of Lockheed Martin’s arrival in Canada.   It applies equally to other companies from the American military-industrial-congressional complex.  The $15 billion dollar […]

Feb 132024

This podcast provides the best discussion of the how the plea deal works in the court system.   2024-02-06  Podcast discussion, Marco Van Huigenbos describes the situation: two of the Coutts 4 are now free, after 223 days in remand (jail) in Alberta. The posting includes a couple of back ground postings about Marco Van Huigenbos, […]

Feb 122024

CIVITAS  The body of citizens who make up a state, especially a city state, commonwealth, or the like. Citizenship, especially as imparting shared responsibility, a common purpose and sense of community.   UPDATE:    Geez!  These guys (Tedros from the W.H.O. in this case) are slithery snakes!  “My reply” to Tedros is below.  Just in case […]

Feb 102024

From: Sandra Finley Sent: February 9, 2024 To: Tony Doob Subject: Solitary Confinement Alberta Dear Professor Doob, I lifted a copy of your participation in the Proulx Roundtable 2022 and posted it on my website . . .  I hope that’s okay with you. . . . 2022-06-17  Can solitary confinement be reformed or abolished […]

Feb 102024
2019-06-28  A Korean-Canadian opera singer rediscovers her voice in small-town Saskatchewan​, CBC

The Sunday Magazine CBC Radio When Jaesook Ahn moved to Eastend, Sask., she thought her singing career was over. Now, she’s regaining her voice. (David Gutnick/CBC/Submitted by Jaesook Ahn ) Originally published on Sept. 9, 2018. When Jaesook Ahn was growing up in South Korea, she dreamed of becoming an opera singer and of performing […]

Feb 092024
2024-02-09  This is the most accurate coverage I've read on this subject:  Conspiracy Charges Dropped, Chris Lysak, Jerry Morin Released after Agreeing to Plea Deals

With thanks to Ray McGinnis Two of the four men at the Coutts blockade arrested in February 2022, accused of conspiracy to commit murder and mischief – Chris Lysak and Jerry Morin – are free Published on February 9, 2024 Ray McGinnis Civil Liberties | Commentary | Justice Two of the four men at the […]