Nov 032023
2023-11-03  By Tamara Ugolini.  Well done interview.   Ontario physician found guilty of professional misconduct for questioning government COVID-19 edicts

(note:  Ontario Medical regulator, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, CPSO) Tamara provides excellent context and works well with Lawyer Michael Alexander.  Canadians should pay attention! The penalty hearing is scheduled for November 10.   I’ll be watching to See where the cases against the Doctors (Trozzi isn’t the only one) go. Ontario physician […]

Oct 272023

I am grateful every day for the National Citizens Inquiry   ( Spokesperson Michelle for the NCI:   Spiritually, it was the most challenging and rewarding thing I’ve ever done.   DRUTHERS NEWSPAPER (info at bottom) published Michelle’s tribute.   I find it inspiring. You will find it more satisfying to read from the original:    (Druthers […]

Oct 222023
2023-10-22  How large a role does Government investment in Covid vaccine production play in the deterioration of Canadian democracy?  Can you put your finger on it?

The Interim Report of the Commissioners of the National Citizens Inquiry, September 14, 2023 concludes The Covid vaccinations are neither safe, nor are they effective.   What, and How large, a role does GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT  in Covid vaccine production  play in the EVIDENT FAILURE OF PUBLIC SYSTEMS in Canada? Set the stage for the […]

Oct 202023
2023-10-20  Pfizer Announces Layoffs as COVID Vaccine Revenue Slumps, with thanks to $ Big Pharma Watch.   Newsweek report.

Some one is pumping out information that says people are lining up for covid and flu shots. The Newsweek report on Pfizer’s financial performance suggests otherwise.   Pfizer Announces Layoffs as COVID Vaccine Revenue Slumps Newsweek reported: Pfizer is slashing its headcount after announcing it was going to cut its full-year revenue forecast by 13% […]

Oct 202023

Beginning in August 2023, the number of covid court cases across Canada for which “charges are dropped” is large and continuing. ABUSE OF PROCESS? Are the failed court cases evidence of abuse of process? – – unjustified or unreasonable use of legal proceedings to further a cause. It is blatantly unfair to line up the […]

Oct 192023

I left a message for you on Jason Lavigne’s sub-stack.  About Genders, prompted by your discomfort with the possible distributions in Canada: Difference, Europeans & North Americans. By the 1990s Europeans had identified that fish downstream from sewage treatment plants were “feminized” – estrogen from millions of birth control pills in pee flushed down toilets […]

Oct 172023
2023-10-11  Word takes off.  International story. Trudeau regime puts Canadian detective HELEN GRUS on trial for investigating link between infant deaths and mRNA vaccines.

HELEN GRUS is on trial for investigating link between infant deaths and mRNA vaccines.  Social media internationally is in disbelief. Donald Best has been a stalwart in reporting on the Grus case (below). AND,  Important interview.  From the U.S. – – the last item below:  Former police detective reveals 50% of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death […]

Oct 172023

Thanks to Erich for sending: As the war drums beat ever louder, and Gaza becomes a second Warsaw Ghetto, I feel compelled to send the following video report on to as many people as possible.  It explains a lot, as Haaretz, Israel’s 104 year old newspaper of record has long been warning (would that OUR […]

Oct 172023

From: Sandra Finley Sent: October 17, 2023 To: thecurrent     @ Subject: re Rachel Maddow’s book. Oct 17 I kept waiting to hear the name Thomas Watson among the list of very influential American fascists in lead-up to WW2. Watson was advisor to the President of the U.S., and simultaneously feted by Hitler. He was […]

Oct 102023

No confusion over covid. Three points. The fall onslaught of covid/flu  messaging has started.  My daughter is apprehensive about what that means for her. She has had a long-term interest in things that give health.  She is well-informed re covid.  She wants nothing to do with things covid. In support of her understanding:     I […]