Oct 052023

BACKGROUND – – THE LAWYER Lawyer Jeffrey Rath, Calgary AB, has argued cases at the Supreme Court of Canada several times.  Rath WINS his cases, without fail.  We first met him in 2021.  I was so relieved when I read about this lawyer who was taking on the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons over […]

Oct 052023

First,  a bit of Vocabulary:  I can guess at, but am not familiar with “Administrative State“.  What pictures come into mind? I say we have Corporatocracy, which by definition is Fascism. Chris Scott (below) uses the phrase   ADMINISTRATIVE STATE.  A quick definition of administrative state, 1.5 minute video.  https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=what+is+an+administrative+state#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9980d2c7,vid:RmAUMhdcFTk,st:0   IN BOOK TITLES YOU FIND, […]

Oct 052023
2023-09    Innocent Until Proven Guilty.  The Coutts 4.   UPDATE Chris Carbert,  confirmed bail hearing Oct 25,  10AM.

Chris Carbert, one of the “Coutts 4” held in remand (worse than prison) for well over a year, denied bail.  Political prisoners. UPDATE from Jason Lavigne – Independent Journalist/Politician     @JasonLavigneMP GREAT NEWS! Chris Carbert now has a CONFIRMED bail hearing date of October 25th at 10AM. The previous date was not confirmed, this one is. […]

Sep 262023

See this        No Amnesty without Accountability for COVID Crimes “You need to designate the group as a terrorist group and seize their assets and impair them.” —Planning Notes of Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of the Canadian Government. Feb. 13, 2022 in Preparation for a Clampdown on the Freedom […]

Sep 262023
2023-09-19  Manitoba churches appealing unjustified church closures to the Supreme Court of Canada; with thanks to the JCCF

Manitoba churches appealing unjustified church closures to the Supreme Court of Canada Posted On: September 19, 2023 OTTAWA, ONTARIO: The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is announcing that five Manitoba churches, a minister, a deacon, and a protester have filed an application with the Supreme Court of Canada to argue the national importance of the constitutionality of […]

Sep 252023

By Tamara Ugolini September 25, 2023    News Analysis FireTam.Com https://www.rebelnews.com/national_citizens_inquiry_spotlights_health_canada_s_lack_of_regulatory_safeguards The interim report issued by the NCI following the recent authorization of yet another mRNA COVID-19 booster raises concerns about regulatory oversights within the agency responsible for drug regulation and safety. The National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI) commissioners have released an interim report, based on an […]

Sep 212023

The last “For Your Selection” sent out was July 12th, with an emphasis on the Artur Pawlowski court case. = = = = = = = = SEPTEMBER 10th   Hi Everyone, A large win in the US:   2023-09-10 Appeals court rules Biden administration censored free speech I have posted examples of the Canadian Covid […]

Sep 162023

I included the Comments.  Good ones.  People know what’s going on.  /Sandra – – – – – – – – Timeline blowout: Crown pushes for 22 more witnesses in Barber and Lich trial Defense expresses concern at lengthy proceedings while video evidence continues to reveal calls for peace as day 8 of the trial concludes. […]

Sep 152023

Some of the “COUTTS” COURT CASES IN LETHBRIDGE AB,  arising out of the FREEDOM CONVOY.  Egregious. Artur Pawlowski Marco Huigenbos “The Coutts 4”  (Chris Carbert, Anthony Olienick, Jerry Morin, and Christopher Lysak) Jaclyne Martin, the wife of Jerry Morin who is one of “The Coutts 4” “Coutts” was happening at the same time as the […]