Aug 032024

Previous was:  For Your Selection 2024-07-02 Emphasis on Covid vaccines and deaths in Gov’t of Canada Reports.


Welcome, Newcomers.  You help make my work worthwhile!

 Choose your selections.  The information is important, but there’s too much.

If you have time, you will not regret the hour-and-a-half NCI video at the bottom by Dr Tess Lawrie (#16).


  1. 2024-08-02   UPDATED  Coutts. Jury: Carbert & Olienick NOT guilty of conspiracy to murder RCMP officers. Publication ban is now lifted.  PANEL DISCUSSION MONDAY, AUG 5TH.  EXCELLENT. Courtesy of Jason Lavigne.

2.  2024-05-24 Defend medical privacy in Nova Scotia and all of Canada. JCCF

Somehow, I missed this May announcement from JCCF (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms).  Canadians need to tell each other about the Legislation in Nova Scotia.  You CAN forward the link or start a conversation, … or (your choice!).  The investment will pay off big time!

If you don’t believe the power of a small ACTION by you,  acquaint yourself with a bit of what’s going on, down in Lethbridge.  I’ve gone in person a few times because I was incredulous.  I had to hear and see with my own ears. You will understand the NEED to talk, tell others about the N.S. Legislation.

↧ ↧

It’s a VERY short distance between the Legislation in N.S. and the Court House in Coutts, AB.


A suite of reports from the Lethbridge Court House by Robert Kraychik is at:  Or, just click on #3  ↧ ↧   and/or   tune in to Jason Lavigne on Monday August 5th,  4 to 8  MT.  (click on Selection #1)

3.   2024-07-23 Covid: “Coutts Three” sentencing – Marco VAN HUIGENBOS REFUSES INTERVIEW FROM PROBATION OFFICER. Next sentencing hearing is on August 26.  Includes Jaclyne Martin, wife of Jerry Morin.

Do not condemn Van Huigenbos unless you know how far he has gone to help make things right at Coutts.  He is a natural leader, a Town Councillor for Fort McLeod, AB.  My observation of his actions at Coutts:  every step of the way,  until now when he’s the one being processed, the welfare of the OTHER men and their families has come before his own.  He has been thoughtful, considerate, and well-spoken – – always. He is fearless;  he was invited to address the Inquiry into the Invocation of the Emergency Act.  He went to Ottawa to do that.  He’ll be on Monday’s Panel.  You can hear and see him.

Coutts  — the Lethbridge Court House – –  have little to do with Justice.  Near the conclusion of one of the earlier court proceedings my jaw dropped open at the words of the Judge (a different judge than the one who is conducting the most recent proceedings):

The Judge offered no pretensions:  they HAD TO set an example to deter other people from protesting Government actions.  They could not countenance protesters such as this.  (Guilt or innocence is simply not a factor.  My take:  the Judge actually BELIEVED what he said.)

Think about it:  you get charged with an offence.  You are not judged on whether or not you broke the law, not on whether you are guilty or innocent, but on whether you will be used to SEND A WARNING to others,  which isBEWARE  because this is what will happen to you if you protest”.  Who ARE these ignorant people, and HOW did they get appointed to the Bench?    (Too many, but not ALL of the judges are of this ilk.)


4.   2024-07-09   Covid: Yes, Pfizer and Moderna can be sued for vaccine injuries — here’s how.  B.C. lawyer Umar Sheikh. Report by Drea Humphrey, Rebel News.

5.   2024-07-11 Covid: Ontario court rules PCR test for returning air travellers violated Quarantine Act. By Tamara Ugolini, Rebel News.

6.   2024-07-05 Ontario man (Hartman) sues Pfizer & Health Canada for wrongful death of son following COVID vaccination, by Lee Harding, Western Standard. Hartman sent tissue samples to American pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole. Lawyer Umar Sheikh representing.

7.   2024-07-06 US courts across the board rule against COVID mandates. By Jen Hodgson, Western Standard.

8.   2024-06-10  Employees Can Sue L.A. Schools Over COVID Vaccine Mandate Because Shots Don’t Prevent Transmission, Appeals Court Rules. From CHD.

(the covid shots don’t meet the definition of a vaccine.  Repeated from last month – – I think this is a very important court decision.  EQUAL TO lawyer Umar Sheikh’s work in Canada:  Pharma companies in Canada are not immune to Prosecution for harm done by their products, as Pharma Corps are in the USA.)

9.   2024-07-11 Democracy Fund Covid: “Fight The Fines” project results in 109 withdrawn or stayed tickets

10.   2024-07-11 Will COVID-19 VACCINE INJURY SUPPORT continue for decades, like thalidomide compensation? By Tamara Ugolini, Rebel News

11.   The Needle’s Secrets (bolus theory)

The interview by Dr. John Campbell (some of you will know him) is lengthy.  It is the explanation of an hypothesis by an engineer, Marc Girardot.


The old adage:  Necessity is the Mother of Invention.  I believe in human ingenuity.  In times of need, passionate people will ATTEMPT to find answers and solutions.  It’s in our DNA.  It’s science.  You put forward an hypothesis which must then survive the attempts to disprove it put forward by others.  Marc Girardot’s hypothesis has survived so far.   We do not know whether he will be proven right or wrong in the end.  I have not read his book.

12.   2024-08-01   Dr. Robert Malone.  Understanding the world around us.  Lecture at Mises Institute. Centered around 5th generational warfare and surveillance capitalism.

13.   2022-07-11 Paramedics speak out about empty hospitals, probable vax injuries during COVID. By Matthew Horwood, Western Standard.    (Retrospective:  note the date)

14.   2024-06-26 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – America: Past, Present, and Future. Interview, Socrates in the City. Very good. At end, RFK Jr distills re Carl Jung’s book, “Memories, Dreams, Reflections”.

15.   2024-06-27 Tucker Carlson Responds to Julian Assange’s Release


July 31:

      • Canada:  The last report was Up to and including January 5, 2024 – – 488 deaths reported.
      • Canada:  The next report due was for Up to and including June 1, 2024 – –  I’ll post it here as soon as I can find it.  I’m having trouble.
      • Global:  (below) the testimony from the Regina NCI Hearings by Dr. Tess Lawrie contains a short section about injuries from covid vaccinations (global data).

I think I am seeing (not seeing!) scrubbed information – –  more reports of material “scrubbed” from Govt websites in particular.  Twenty years ago, whenever possible, I posted copies of whatever I was reporting on because material would “disappear” from the net.  I don’t like an inability to back-up what I say with the source.   Today,  I worry about too many videos.  Can’t afford the time to transcribe – – if they go down, they’re lost to me.

– – – – – – – – – –


16.   2024-05-31 NCI (National Citizens Inquiry, CAnada) – – the Regina Hearings – –Dr. Tess Lawrie.  Excellent. Excellent.

I try to include one of the NCI testimonies in each set of Selections.  The testimonies are outstanding.  /Sandra


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