Jul 312024


Kraychik makes a valuable contribution to public knowledge of what happened at COUTTS.

Below, through the URL for the MARCO UPDATE   there are other reports from the current Court Proceedings at Lethbridge, by Robert.

I recommend Robert’s suite of videos.  I was very happy to see, for example, Jaclyne Martin, the wife of Jerry Morin on the screen. It’s at this URL:


Early on in the Coutts debacle, I listened to an interview I will not forget – – Jaclyne Martin.  I blogged it, but it went AWOL;  I was never able to find it again.  At the time, I wrote:

There WAS an inserted youtube interview of  Jaclyne Martin, the wife of Jerry Morin who is one of “The Coutts 4”.   The story is another of those shockers that should get out.   Jaclyne Martin, well-spoken.  I wish I had a copy of the interview to post.

(2024-07-31)  Jaclyne’s trial is coming up;  I don’t know when.  I hope it comes PRIOR TO the sentencing of Carbert and Olienick.  The youtube interview of her is powerful.  The above URL (“carbert testifies”) is the first I have seen of her in a long time.  Her testimony at her trial will be devastating.  The circumstances of the charges brought against her are outrageous.  I suspect that the RCMP’s reputation is going to take another hosing.  You’d think that the Prosecution would withdraw the charges.

EXCERPTS  (2023)

You may be interested in this article about the trial re the Coutts blockade and the 4 men who are on trial,


Included at the URL,  there WAS an inserted youtube interview of  Jaclyne Martin, the wife of Jerry Morin who is one of “The Coutts 4”.

The story is another of those shockers that should get out.   Jaclyne Martin, well-spoken.  I wish I had a copy of the interview to post.

= = = = = = =

(returned after a stop in Lethbridge for the Pawlowski sentencing – – which didn’t happen.)

A take away from Lethbridge experience:  Some people in the Justice System (Lethbridge, AB for example!) do not want to understand that trials are PUBLIC.  If they refuse to tell you the status of particular cases and refer you to “boards” where there is no record of the particular case,  the proceedings can’t be followed.   They are not accessible by the public, not even if you go in person!  It all seems so mis-guided, counter-productive and such stupid strategy on their part.  EXCEPT THAT what they do is DELIBERATE.  Unbelievable that this is Canada/

Thankfully “things are happening!”.   “The Coutts Four”  . . .  and the interview of the wife of one of them, Jaclyne Martin – – my God!   Bless her for refusing to settle and being able to maintain her courage and determination.

NOTE:   In November 2022 I went to Calgary, to a large gathering of concerned people, Rebel News was the organizer.  I went because I wanted to meet people in person, hear what they have to say.  So I can make my own evaluations.  Are they radical crazies?  . . .  uh unh.  No.  I met and talked with good people.  If Canada didn’t have these people, we’d really be up the creek, with not much hope of pulling back from the brink of tyrannical disaster.  I don’t endorse all that is said,  but I seldom do . . . no matter who’s doing the talking!

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Freeland testified before the Commission studying the Trudeau government’s invocation of the modern-day version of the War Measures Act. In the course of her testimony, Freeland’s own notes were entered into the Commission’s evidentiary exhibits.

Freeland’s account of the advice she received from a high-ranking banking official included notes that the Deputy Prime Minister had jotted down. These notes described a strategy for discrediting and disassembling the Truckers movement. She had written,

“You need to designate the group as a terrorist group and seize their assets and impair them.”

From: Saskatchewan
Sent: August 22, 2023
Subject: Fw: Provincial Lawmakers are preparing for an RCMP-less Saskatchewan – TFIGlobal


Listening to the Inquiry into Invocation of Emergencies Act helped solidify my long-held view that DE-centralization where possible & practical serves people better.

Centralization of the RCMP, to me, helped foster a police state.  ONE CENTRE;  ONE VIEW; AND little capability for ACCOUNTABILITY.    The powers-that-be slid incompetent people into top jobs.  The TOP ECHELONS were YES MEN & YES WOMEN . . . COURTIERS.  Common tactic of tyrants. . . .

Jaclyne Martin (she’s a skeet shooter) is being processed on Sept 19th  in Lethbridge, the last I heard (didn’t happen).  The “Coutts 4” have been held in jail for well over a year, denied bail.  I listened to an interview of Jaclyne Martin.   The abuse of the Justice system is God awful, IMHO.   Among worse things done,  Jaclyne has not been allowed to visit, she is not allowed to see her husband, for well over a year now.

This is all the doing of the RCMP and Prosecutors.  There’s no guarantee that local police would do better;  but they MIGHT understand the lay of the land better??!!



MARCO VAN HUIGENBOS  UPDATE.   Related Postings at bottom.

2024-07-23 Covid: Coutts Three sentencing – Marco Van Huigenbos refuses interview from probation officer.


The first date of sentencing proceedings for the Coutts Three took place Monday at the Lethbridge courthouse.

Marco Van Huigenbos was found guilty in April by a jury, alongside Alex Van Herk and George Janzen, who make up the Coutts Three. They were involved in the controversial Coutts border blockade in February 2022.

Van Huigenbos is one of men convicted of mischief over $5,000 for his role in the Coutts border blockade. He did not have a pre-sentence report (PSR) prepared, given his refusal to be interviewed by a probation officer. The Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness of Canada describes PSRs as tools used by judges to determine sentencing for persons convicted of felonies.



Van Huigenbos told Rebel News he learned from Van Herk and George Janzen they were asked about their religious and political views by probation officers. He determined those questions violated his privacy rights.

Judges presiding over serious criminal cases, with a guilty verdict, often request a PSR. It assists the court in making a sentencing decision. What constitutes a PSR is defined in the Criminal Code of Canada. Application is left to the provinces and territories.

Preparing PSRs requires probation officers to interview offenders, family members, employers and other relevant persons. Officers also review police and correctional files to help the courts ascertain if the offender is willing to change. Thousands of PSRs are written each month; yet, little is known of their value and use by the courts.



Van Huigenbos told the publication he expects coercive pressure from the government to comply with the interview to create a PSR for Justice Keith Yamauchi’s consideration.

The three men are scheduled for their next sentencing hearing on August 26, with a final sentence expected to be issued in late September. The maximum sentence for mischief over $5,000 is ten year imprisonment.

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2024-02-06 Marco van Huigenbos describes the situation: two of the Coutts 4 are now free, after 223 days in remand (jail) in Alberta.

2023-09-08 Ft MacLeod Councillor speaks on the plight of the Coutts 4, Marco Van Huigenbos

2024-02-09 Solitary Confinement, Alberta. My letter to Professor Doob.

2024-04-17 Coutts Three found guilty of mischief over $5,000 by jury, maintain moral position of protest The twelve jurors unanimously found all three men guilty. Robert Kraychik, Rebel News.

2024-03-28 Meet the Coutts Three: peaceful protesters could face up to a decade in jail for supporting convoy border blockade, Rebel News, Sydney Fizzard.

2024-02-09 This is the most accurate coverage I’ve read on this subject: Conspiracy Charges Dropped, Chris Lysak, Jerry Morin Released after Agreeing to Plea Deals

2024-02-08 Two of the Coutts Four released in a shocking twist in the case. The unravelling of the Coutts Four case. Troy Media, by Ray McGinnis.

024-04-12 RCMP officer appears to cry while testifying in Coutts Three trial. (Marco) By Robert Kraychik, Rebel News.

2024-03-28 Meet the Coutts Three: peaceful protesters could face up to a decade in jail for supporting convoy border blockade, Rebel News, Sydney Fizzard.

2023-05-06 NCI: Rodney Palmer, journalist, testimony. PROPAGANDA and Covid. The Corruption of Canada’s CBC: Covid-19 Reporting under the Trudeau Government

I believe that a major problem for Trials by Jury in Canada is that large numbers of people still follow mainstream media.  They hear the Government narrative which is propaganda.  They do not have a knowledge base that equips them to understand what’s going on.  They are in a poor position to evaluate guilt.   AND,  we don’t TALK about the questions – – community dialogue is kind of dead.



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