Jul 092024

(Sandra speaking:  I attended.  This is an excellent presentation by  B.C. lawyer Umar Sheikh.)

Drea Humphrey reports:

There’s renewed hope for vaccine-injured Canadians to get justice from the Big Pharma manufacturers of the COVID shots.

During their forced and coercive rollout, we were all told the likes of Pfizer and Moderna had legal immunity and could not be sued if you were injured by their “safe and effective” injections.

But B.C. lawyer Umar Sheikh, had some good news during his recent speech at the We Unify Conference in Victoria.

You don’t want to miss what he had to say. Click here to watch.

Three lawsuits are already in the works.

That includes a $35.6 million lawsuit against BioNTtech in Germany, and Pfizer in the U.S. and Canada, on behalf of Dan Hartman, whose 17-year-old son, Sean Hartman, was found dead just 33 days after his Pfizer shot. (You can find the latest updates to that case and many others at www.NoMoreShots.ca.)

If you appreciate our critical reporting on this issue, the likes of which you won’t find in tax-funded mainstream media, please consider supporting our independent journalism with a donation. (Click here.)

Yours truly,

Drea Humphrey

P.S. At Rebel News, we continue to give a voice to the vaccine-injured and shine a light on the truth about these shots that was buried over the past four years. And we are the only news outlet calling for the immediate removal of these shots from the market. Help us do that by signing our petition at www.NoMoreShots.ca.



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