Apr 182023

re Government Report on Vaccine Injuries & Pay-outs The info is Government-supplied. My intention is to get conversations going.   People cannot protect themselves and their families if they don’t have the information. The vaccine injuries are a serious matter. Information on the FIRST and SECOND INJURY & DEATHS REPORTS (Canada) are below. = = […]

Apr 172023

March 13, 2018 Congress Receives Vaccine Safety Project Details Including Actions Needed for Sound Science and Transparency https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/congress-gets-vaccine-safety-project-details-including-actions-needed-for-sound-science-and-transparency/

Apr 042023

I heard about this thing that the Government has,  PIB’s (Personal Information Banks) for all of us, through “the Swift Current video” (https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=27724.) The video caused someone to input re  “PIB’s”.   I wanted to know:  WHAT information is in a PIB?  . . .    The information is Personal, but it is most certainly not […]

Apr 042023

Listen.  You will be rewarded! Maria Ressa on facing down dictators, disinformation and standing up for democracy Nobel Peace Prize-winning journalist Maria Ressa is a force to be reckoned with. She’s a celebrated investigative reporter whose recent memoir How To Stand Up to a Dictator outlines both her work exposing government corruption and misinformation in the Philippines, and the personal and […]

Apr 042023
2023-03-21  Manitoba family files lawsuit against AstraZeneca 

I learned of this through American media. 21 yr old son working at Whistler Got the shot Brain hemorrhage.  Blind. Canadian media is reporting the story.  An internet search on “Manitoba family sues AstraZeneca”  turns up not only this story of  Jordan Reimer.  You will see some similar cases. Thank-you to Steinbach Online, reporter Shannon […]

Apr 032023

Subject: re StatsCan and the construction of ID’s  (Personal Information Banks) This is spreading quickly,  with more info being added as more people see it.   /Sandra Please forward this email. from Swift Current, SK.  StatsCan set up at the Fairgrounds. https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/Canada-health-trailers:9 Mysterious Canadian Govt Vans: Harassing Folks For Blood, Saliva & Urine Testing & More […]

Nov 132022

https://publicorderemergencycommission.ca/ On April 25, 2022, the Government of Canada established the Public Order Emergency Commission to inquire into the circumstances that led to the declaration of emergency that was in place from February 14-23, 2022, and the measures taken for dealing with the emergency. Justice Paul Rouleau was appointed Commissioner.   October 13 until Friday, November […]