Nov 112022

My tribute to Remembrance 1.   Taps (Il Selencio), trumpet solo, 4 minutes to touch your soul:  2.   Video   (Entering a URL does not always work.)    Start typing into a search:     Trucker Two young fellows went to the Coutts blockade in Alberta, at the end of January, 2022.  This is their video. Coutts, […]

Oct 232022

Wow!   An awesome interview. View Now       The Globalist Criminal Mind: WTF Are They Thinking?! | John Leake     View Now   True crime writer, John Leake, co-authored the book, The Courage to Face Covid-19 with Dr. Peter McCullough. The book is an in-depth chronological account of the systematic censorship and vilification […]

Oct 232022

EXCERPT,  RECLAIM THE NET:   The US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana issued a ruling, ordering Dr. Anthony Fauci and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to respond to document requests by the New Civil Liberties Alliance in conjunction with the Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general on behalf of plaintiffs in State of Missouri […]

Oct 202022

  RESOURCE:  POSTINGS RE VACCINES   2021-04-19 U.S. Military WOULD BE more resistant to forced vaccination. History forgotten (deliberately?). Forced Anthrax vaccination wrongly labeled “Gulf War Syndrome” = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2.   2017-04-30 The Anthrax Vaccine and Gulf War Illness EXCERPT In October 2004, […]

Oct 202022
2022-10-20  Covid:  L's letter to the Public Order Emergency Commission.   With thanks to Ken Drysdale, True Facts C-19

kenrdrysdale 6 hours ago 7 min read A True Story, From One of Our (The True Facts, C-19) Subscribers!   Many of you ask me on a daily basis: “What Can I do”? I received this poignant, email from one of our subscribers, in which she included a copy of her submission to the “Public Order […]

Oct 122022

The video of the hearing (Oct 11, 2022) is lengthy.    Dr.  Nass nails the Board and the Prosecutor (the Assistant-Attorney-General for Maine).  The hearing continued on Oct 12th;  I haven’t been able to find the continuation online. With thanks to:  Children’s Health Defense (CHD)  – – and of course to Dr. Meryl Nass.   She […]

Oct 072022

1 hour 50 minutes.   Stella Moris (wife of Julian Assange) is pretty amazing.    Jordan Peterson does a good job of the interview – – and he mentions parallels to the taking away of rights in Canada under the Covid guise.   = = = = = = = = = = = = […]

Oct 042022

2022 – Sept 28 video I ignored Jordan Peterson after assessing a number of his videos a few years ago.  He made some good points, but there were (are?) elements of an unhealthy anger he used (uses?) that I associate with sophisticated levels of manipulative behavior.   Later, I came across this 2018 video by a […]