Feb 092024
2022-06-17   Can solitary confinement be reformed or abolished in Canada?   with thanks to McGill University's Faculty of Law

Despite new legislation against solitary confinement, data paint a bleak picture of what goes on behind the walls of Canadian penitentiaries   INSERT:  You will hear Professor Jane Sprott ask,”Does anyone care?”   Photo: Owen Egan A matter of human dignity “If a society can recognize that even someone guilty of a serious crime possesses inalienable […]

Feb 082024
2024-02-08  Two of the Coutts Four released in a shocking twist in the case.  The unravelling of the Coutts Four case.  Troy Media, by Ray McGinnis.

Two of the Coutts Four released in a shocking twist in the case By Ray McGinnis | Feb 8, 2024 Reading Time: 4 minutesJustice system under scrutiny after the Crown drops conspiracy charges against two of the Coutts Four Two of the four men at the Coutts blockade arrested in February 2022, accused of conspiracy […]

Feb 062024

This is very serious shit. Marco van Huigenbos attended at Court in Lethbridge on Feb 6th.  Two of the Coutts 4 were entering a plea deal.  Marco does an excellent job of explaining the situation, the ramifications. Near the end of the interview Marco speaks to the condition of the men after two years in […]

Feb 062024
2024-02-06   Sask Court of Appeal hears challenge to Saskatchewan’s Covid gathering limits.  From JCCF

Court to hear challenge to Saskatchewan’s Covid gathering limits Posted On: February 5, 2024  Thanks to JCCF. SASKATOON, SK: The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms announces that the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal will hear the appeal of Jasmin Grandel and Darrell Mills on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at 10 AM CT, at 520 Spadina Crescent East, […]

Feb 052024
1988-    John Denver and  Alexander Gradsky (Russian) sing What Are We Making Weapons For?  with lyrics

I like John Denver’s music.  Surprisingly, I first heard this song in 2024 February. John Denver and Alexander Gradsky sing it near the end of “Christmas in Aspen, 1988”. John told how he had gone to the Soviet Union,  . . . sat with Gradsky and a bottle of vodka singing Beatle songs until 4AM.  […]

Feb 052024
2024-02-04  re Julian Assange:  Ai Weiwei says Censorship in West ‘exactly the same’ as in Mao Zedong’s China. The Evening Standard.

Julian Assange draws nearer to final decision on extradition to the USA. Ai Weiwei’s observations on political censorship in the West are worth reading. This is also a tribute to Arjen Kamphuis, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden.   And others in numbers way too many to mention. I stand in honour of their sacrifices and lives.  […]

Feb 052024

Original posting:   2018-09-14 There is no line between Assange the Publisher silenced  Attempted silencing of Chelsea Manning the Leaker (too early to determine re Arjen Kamphuis)   the disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis has never been solved (2024-02-05) Attempted Control of the Internet by various means (see “Net Neutrality”, at bottom). – – – – – […]

Feb 032024

The “synthetic” milk is available at Walmart in the U.S.  I don’t know about Canada. I suppose it will be used in other food products, too. You might like to know something about it!    I get angry that the manufacturers are allowed to label products to be something that they are clearly not. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/synthetic-milk-is-not-milk–measles-outbreak-breakdown/ As […]

Feb 022024

Carol Van Strum’s book, “A Bitter Fog“, is one I’ll not forget.  I learned a lot.  I am very happy for Carol that she received this Award. UPDATE:   It’s Feb 2, 2024; I’m reading RFK’s book, The Wuhan Cover-Up.  It’s about American chemical and biological warfare.  It seems that not much has changed.  But […]