Ed Snowden and Glenn Greenwald explain things very well. This interview of Snowden is informative. Snowden describes that once “backdoor access” is established, it is there and available to more than the NSA (if it is an NSA backdoor, for example). When time permits I will relate this to the extensive data base on Canadians at […]
1. Glenn Greenwald In Canada Days After “Terrorists Attacks” In Their Country: Glenn Greenwald is a journalist, author and lawyer. In my view, he is an important educator. Ed Snowden selected “the best” to work with! (More on Greenwald – Wikipedia) – – – – – – – – – – – – […] New Snowden Documents Reveal That the NSA Can’t Hack Everyone Published: December 30, 2014 | Author: Lauren C. Williams Thanks to some encryption tools, digital espionage was thwarted, making it hard for the NSA to spy on everyone. Citizens have heeded Snowden’s advice and increased encryption use since the NSA scandal broke in 2013. […]
Recommend: go to the URL and listen to the interview with Levison. I captured the text of the news story below, for backup purposes. After refusing hand encryption codes to federal agents, Ladar Levison had to shut down his company CBC News Posted: May 29, 2014 Last year Ladar Levison shut down Lavabit, the […]
With many organizations now putting out lengthy lists of “good news stories” I have the impression of a rapidly mobilizing, empowered citizenry. It’s like spring has arrived; there is new life shooting up everywhere around us! I selected just a few examples. Can’t celebrate if we don’t know about them! 1. 2014-04-17 Monsanto and Big Food […] Guardian and Washington Post each honored with Pulitzer for Public Service Lauren McCauley, staff writer Ewen MacAskill, Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras in Hong Kong to meet NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden on June 10, 2013. (Photo by Laura Poitras) The Washington Post and the Guardian/US were both awarded one of journalism’s top honors […]
From: Bennett Sent: March-24-14 To: Sandy Finley Subject: Snowden, et al I am a great admirer of Snowden amd will listen to his presentation, likely tomorrow if all goes well (and it may not go well at all) I have been harping on this privacy issue for a long time but people don;t seem […]
The waves of mobilization underway are incredible! This is American based. Just a small sampling. Most of them are new to me. I have particular interest in Reset The Net (you’ll see it below) because it’s related to the Edward Snowden leaks and thereby to Lockheed Martin’s participation in Statistics Canada. Excerpts from Tim DeChristopher, […]
In follow-up to: 2014-03-24 Snowden, Vancouver, TED Talks From Popular Resistance, DAILY MOVEMENT NEWS Reset the Net, seeks to restore privacy to the Internet by our own actions rather than waiting for the government, which seems to put the security state ahead of our privacy. People are taking action now to push Internet providers […]