You know how the mafia works? . . . controlling territory, providing “protection” services, collecting protection money, rewarding your henchmen, punishing the disloyal (those who go to a competing boss)? View Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as 2 competing MAFIA bosses. The big money in Canada expected Hillary to win the election. If they contributed […]

Scroll down to VIDEO – – listen to the first part. Australia is a member of “FVEY“, a U.S. – U.K. – Canada – Australia – New Zealand coalition on surveillance, “integration” of military, and so on. For more info, enter “FVEY” in the search button at top right of this blog page. I am […]
For a more critical report on the same, Australia’s new laws, see: 2018-07-17 New “foreign interference” laws in Australia. I suspect that collaboration with, for example, would be illegal. Plus many other collaborations with international organizations, e.g. with “Beyond War”. = = = = = = = = = = = = Australia’s […] Did Canada buy an oil pipeline in fear of being sued by China? The logic to Trudeau’s action may lie in an obscure and overlooked 2014 agreement to ensure China got a pipeline built Bruce Livesey Last modified on Thu 31 May 2018 19.02 BST Justin Trudeau in Toronto, Canada on Tuesday. Photograph: Canadian […]
With thanks to Marjaleena: Hello all, This in yesterday’s (May 1) Vancouver Province, unedited, but also edited in Saskatoon Star Phoenix and Regina Leader Post. (Unfortunately, the latter two saw fit to edit out an important paragraph, which I have italicized below. Too strong a statement?) It would be great if you could put your comments […]
I posted the official news of this earlier: 2018-03-06 Significant. European Court of Justice rules on ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlement) clauses. The importance of this article: community-based publications operating to put important information like this into the hands of everyday people. AND! some repetition is good for my memory! With thanks to Janet […]
With thanks to Janet E: Today the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled . . . From “client earth”: For immediate release – Tuesday, 6 March 2018 New ECJ ruling could spell the end of 200 intra-EU investment agreements and would be a big win for environmental protection in Europe Today, a landmark […]
The article below is about our sovereignty. There is so much more on the table than money CLOSELY RELATED: About Summits. Cost, # Police, # Protesters, # Arrests & WHY? Tearing up NAFTA? Please start with Chapter 11 By Michael Harris. Canada has been sued 41 times under the investment provisions in NAFTA, […]
Many thanks to Janet E for her continuing updates. A NAFTA tribunal held Canada liable for rejecting a bid by Bilcon (an American company) to build a gravel quarry in the ecologically sensitive coastal area of Digby Neck, N.S. It is estimated that Canada would have to pay more than $500 million, just for protecting […]
To maintain my calm and good nature (ha ha!), I wrote after listening to – – – (CBC, The House) Montreal NAFTA talks could signal beginning of the end (9 minutes) RELATED POSTINGS: 2017-11-01 NZ joins the trend for countries to say no to ISDS (NAFTA and other trade deals) 2017-07-28 A monster payday in […]