News re the Kinder Morgan / TransMountain pipeline, 2018-08-30 VICTORY: We’ve defeated Trans Mountain, from EcoJustice (the lawyers who argued the case) elicited: This was a big mistake and has only placed our communities at greater risk. What are people thinking? Seriously. – – – – – – – – – – – PREFACE: The […]
RELATED TO: 2018-08-30 VICTORY: We’ve defeated Trans Mountain, from EcoJustice (the lawyers who argued the case) EXCERPT: . . . the Federal Court of Appeal struck down the federal government’s approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline project — effectively slamming the door shut on a project that, as it turns out, was never approved legally […]
2018-08-30 VICTORY: We’ve defeated Trans Mountain, from EcoJustice (the lawyers who argued the case)
RELATED: Reply to: the Court Decision on the TransMountain (Kinder Morgan) Pipeline is “a big mistake” From: Devon Page, Ecojustice Sent: August 30, 2018 Subject: VICTORY: We’ve defeated Trans Mountain Just moments ago, the Federal Court of Appeal struck down the federal government’s approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline project. It’s been a […]
Sandra, I’m speechless. This morning, Canada’s Federal Court of Appeal overturned the Kinder Morgan TransMountain pipeline approval. This is a huge victory for Indigenous rights, for communities and for our planet. All I have to say today is thank you. To the Indigenous Peoples who have led this movement in since day one, to the […]
THE REPORT is at: 2018-07-13 “Estimates of exceedances of critical loads for acidifying deposition in Alberta and Saskatchewan” (water and land, nitrogen and sulphur from oil sands) COMMENT: I conclude this is a good news story, taking place over 12 years! Serendipity: In June 2006 I sat beside a water scientist who told […]
Return to INDEX, Salish Sea Takeover of our democracy by Big Oil. You are invited: presentation. . . Kevin Taft, former Liberal member of the legislative assembly in Alberta will be promoting his latest book “Oil’s Deep State“. He draws on his personal experience as the leader of the official opposition in Alberta to expose […]
RELATED: 2018-04-19 Kevin Taft on what turned Rachel Notley from crusading critic to big oil crusader, National Observer 2018-09-13 An evening with Kevin Taft, author, “Oil’s Deep State”. – Who’s in Charge? Oil’s Deep Statew the petroleum industry undermines democracy and stops action on global warming – in Alberta, and in Ottawa […]
With thanks to Elaine: NOTE, thanks to Wikipedia, CATION An ion is an atom or molecule that has a non-zero net electrical charge (its total number of electrons is not equal to its total number of protons). A cation is a positively-charged ion, while an anion is negatively charged. Because of their opposite electric […]
You may have guessed: I am making plans now, to attend the following. Please help spread the word. And let your MP know your position (not necessarily the same as mine!). Thanks! Sandra – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – CORRECTION: I did not write the notice […]

TWO ARTICLES: Critics call Brad Wall’s actions in Alberta undemocratic and unethical Drew Anderson, Robson Fletcher · CBC News · Brad Wall said he’s not considering changes to Saskatchewan’s political donation rules. (Adam Hunter/CBC) EXCERPT Oil and gas money After compiling the data, using publicly available political donation records dating back to 2006, […]