There is a Must Watch video at the URL: Survivors of CIA torture are suing the contractor psychologists who designed one of the most infamous programs of the post-9/11 era. Salim, one of the three ex-detainees in the suit, is a Tanzanian fisherman who says flashbacks from his ordeal in CIA custody are a permanent […]

Published on Wednesday, July 08, 2015 by Common Dreams Renowned human rights expert Thomas Buergenthal said Cheney and a number of CIA agents ‘should appear before the ICC.’ by Sarah Lazare, staff writer Former ICC judge Thomas Buergenthal said he believes that the architects of mass torture during the George W. Bush era, such as […]
This is THE BEST! Canadians are SO wonderful !! I am still laughing! 2015-01-05 How I learned to stop worrying and love the torture, by John McNamer They are the same effort: End Canadian collaboration with lawbreakers (think of Torture) Re-establish the Rule of Law (many examples of terrible failures by Attorneys General and […]
Terrific! Many thanks to John. Note the link to his complaint submitted to the ICC, at the bottom of this posting. By: Kamloops This Week in Columnists, Opinion January 5, 2015 How I learned to stop worrying and love the torture BY JOHN MCNAMER Why has it ever even bothered me that so […] NOTE: 1. The article (below) does not name “the company” that took over the CIA torture program: Two former military psychologists who had not conducted a single real interrogation were hired – at a daily rate of $1,800 (U.S.) each – to waterboard detainees. They later started a company that took over and ran the CIA […] Case Filed in European Court Against Bush-Era Torture. Over 100 CIA agents have already been warned by the lawyers for the agency that they should not leave the United States, certainly not go to Europe, because they could be arrested and prosecuted for torture.
Eve’s trial (Census – Lockheed Martin) is July 17th. I wish I could trumpet the importance to the roof-tops. I can’t. So today, I felt compelled to improve the information base. Citizen awareness is the game-changer: Lockheed Martin’s surveillance operations, their involvement in the StatsCan data base is related to the posting on the Troop Exchange Agreement. […]
Dick Cheney is to be “keynote speaker” in Toronto on Oct 31. PROTEST: Thursday, Oct 31, 11:00am EDT Metro Toronto Convention Centre 255 Front St W Toronto (Facebook) This is about the Rule of Law. What is that worth to you? An incredible array of organizations and people have assembled, to see that if […]
You increasingly see this – some “organization” sets up the event, it is hard to pin down who they are. See below. In this case it’s the International Economic Forum of the Americas (I notice that it has a “Director of Security “.) The registration form is on-line. (Don’t see one person who is responsible) […]