Aug 052017

Ladakh is an old Buddhist Kingdom, high in the Himayalas, now a part of India.  The capital city is Leh. It has lessons for us. Series of Youtubes:    (The links work, even if they show as not)   1.  I watched    Ancient Futures, Learning from Ladakh.  You will see pictures of Helena Norberg-Hodge as a […]

May 192017
2017-05-03  Puerto Rico Bankruptcy Puts Pressure on California, Illinois, Connecticut, Breitbart News.  Vulture capitalists.

Banksters: Index Puerto Rico’s world-record $116 billion bankruptcy filing represents a massive liability risk for auditors who will likely demand that highly-indebted states — such as Connecticut, Illinois and California — disclose more liabilities, write down assets, and curtail debt issues. Spencer Platt / Getty  by Chriss W. Street  Newport Beach, CA Puerto Rico’s congressionally […]

May 162017
2017-05-06    On greed, debt & the inevitable housing crisis, Michael Hudson, published in Common Ground (Vancouver).

Banksters: Index The insights of Michael Hudson, with thanks to Common Ground, are beneficial to this posting with its ties to Beyond Banksters and New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man:  2017-04-28   Dominic Barton (McKinsey Co.): Morneau appointed him to head Advisory Committee on Economic Growth.   An interview with Michael Hudson by Joseph Roberts […]

May 092017

Banksters: Index COMER is the Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform  (Canada) Decision on the application for leave to appeal. The request for an oral hearing is dismissed. The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Federal Court of Appeal, Number A-76-16, 2016 FCA 312, dated December 7, 2016, is dismissed with […]

Apr 282017

Banksters: Index The email I sent to everyone, to tie together Barton. With a prefacing note: Hi Lou, I think too many Canadians are unaware. If they take the 29 minutes to listen to the interview of Barton, and time to skim what Perkins explains (links below), they may change their mind about remaining dis-engaged. […]

Apr 262017

Banksters: Index See also, excerpts: Ch. 38, Your Friendly Banker as EHM Ch. 40, Istanbul: Tools of Modern Empire Click on the small grey text at the top of this posting, John Perkins (category) for videos with John Perkins. Excerpts, Chapter 34 “INSERTS” are mine, Sandra Finley.   And I added emphasis on some text. PART […]

Apr 262017

Banksters: Index See also, excerpts from Chapters 34 and 40: Ch. 34, New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins, 2016. Ch. 40, Istanbul: Tools of Modern Empire, The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (EHM), John Perkins, 2016. Click on the small grey text at the top of this posting, John Perkins […]

Apr 262017

Banksters: Index See also, excerpts from Chapters 34 and 38: Ch. 34, New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins, 2016. Ch. 38, Your Friendly Banker as EHM. The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (EHM), John Perkins, 2016. Click on the small grey text at the top of this posting, John Perkins […]

Apr 232017
2017-04-23  If you want to understand Justin Trudeau (Bill Morneau) decisions re CETA, industrial agriculture, etc.  try this.  CBC Radio, Sunday Edition. Listen to the interview.  :    Listen 29:17 Provide your feedback to the CBC: Dominic Barton was appointed by Finance Minister Bill Morneau as chair of the Government’s Advisory Council on Economic Growth. RELATED POSTINGS:   typed-up excerpts from John Perkins’  2016 “New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”   and Joyce Nelson’s book, “Beyond Banksters:  Resisting the […]

Jan 022017
2012-09-10   Happiness in difficult times: The ‘giggle factor’ is gone.  John Helliwell,  Economist.  International Day of Happiness, March 20. Douglas Todd, Vancouver Sun  Professor John Helliwell, 75, is one of the authors of a groundbreaking UN Happiness Report. He and his wife Millie have found happiness together by taking care to pay attention to the needs and feelings of others. July 13, 2012.  Jenelle Schneider / Vancouver Sun “It made him happy.” University […]