Apr 042023

Listen.  You will be rewarded! Maria Ressa on facing down dictators, disinformation and standing up for democracy Nobel Peace Prize-winning journalist Maria Ressa is a force to be reckoned with. She’s a celebrated investigative reporter whose recent memoir How To Stand Up to a Dictator outlines both her work exposing government corruption and misinformation in the Philippines, and the personal and […]

Oct 012022

John Ralston Saul is president emeritus of PEN International and PEN Canada. His 14 books include The Collapse of Globalism and The Unconscious Civilization. This piece was adapted from opening remarks made at a Sept. 27 reading of Salman Rushdie’s work, organized by the Toronto International Festival of Authors, Penguin Random House Canada, the Writers […]

Aug 092022
2202-08-09  Anti-SLAPP   Important win for people.  ‘Every citizen won’: court dismisses defamation suit against conservationists The Qualicum Beach case has big ramifications . . . a B.C. law designed to protect freedom of speech

RELATED     With thanks to The Narwhal By Stephanie Wood ‘Every citizen in British Columbia won’: court dismisses defamation suit against conservationists The Qualicum Beach case has big ramifications as one of the first tests of a B.C. law designed to protect freedom of speech A B.C. environmental group that tested a provincial law […]

Oct 262021

SIZE AND STRENGTH of the resistance.  Every listed group represents many people.  Some items represent rapidly rising numbers of viewers, tens of thousands. THE LIST,  ALPHA SEQUENCE ACTION4CANADA     https://action4canada.com/ AMERICA’S FRONTLINE DOCTORS    www.AmericasFrontlineDoctors.org CANADA HEALTH ALLIANCE     https://www.canadahealthalliance.org/about-us.html CANADIAN COVID CARE ALLIANCE      www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org CANADIAN FRONTLINE NURSES     https://www.canadianfrontlinenurses.ca/ CANADIANS RESISTING UNCONSTITUTIONAL LOCK-DOWNS  (I […]

Oct 162021
1961-04-27  John F Kennedy  (1917 to Nov 1963).  The President and the Press address (annual event to the American Newspaper Publishers Assoc.)

President John F. Kennedy Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City   THE PRESIDENT AND THE PRESS: ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION, APRIL 27, 1961 Listen to the speech.    View related documents.    EXCERPT, high-lighted in the full text below, along with a 2nd paragraph: “For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and […]

Sep 282021

“… nonviolent resistance as a political force is still young, its possibilities not yet well enough known, and is thus seldom an incitement to the masses and is seldom encouraged by the media. For all that, those striving for human rights are dependent on our solidarity and the feeling is growing of an ever increasing […]

Aug 242021

This is for friends who are worried about our current circumstances. Don’t be.  You won’t be, if you know the strength of the  Challenges to the vaccine mandate From the introduction to  2021-08-20 Mass Psychosis: It is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer, but man himself that is man’s greatest danger to man, for the […]

Aug 242021

ORWELL IN ACTION Orwell was prescient.  Incredibly valuable to our times. I listened again to the young people in: 2018-01-22 TimberWest and Professional Reliance, Great Bear Rainforest. EBM, corruption through de-regulation and Orwellian new speak. And re-read or skimmed postings such as the following.  How wonderful it is that Canadians are finally getting the message! […]

Jun 182021

FW from Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) Biometrics and Identity Management It’s directed to a Canadian audience. But, it’s the Canada-U.S. border. The extrapolation for “the south side of the border” follows after. /Sandra  The CBSA is using covid- induced fear to put Surveillance of Canadians into the stratosphere. A tender notice or Notice of […]

Feb 142021

Derek writes: This really bothers me….I see it as a slithery ploy by Trudeau and Freeland to finally allow bulk sale of fresh water to the States under some mumble mouthed phrase that will be interpreted by “an independent Tribunal of corporate CEOs”. If you have any way of supporting Sandra Finley please do.  (simply […]