Aug 032024

INSERT, Sandra:   “Spaces” is a way to have live audio conversations on X. Anyone can join, listen, and speak in a Space on X for iOS and Android.  I do not know if a Space is different from a “Live” on X.  I don’t think so. The Panel discussion on Aug 5th surpassed my expectations.  […]

Aug 032024

With thanks to Dan who writes: Excellent lecture given at the Mises Institute by Dr. Robert Malone, Aug 1/2024. The topic is centered around 5th generational warfare and surveillance capitalism. Mises University is the world’s leading instructional program in the Austrian school of economics. Recordings of the lectures and seminars presented at the Mises Institute, […]

Aug 022024

FROM:  JCCF   (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms)     Defend medical privacy in Nova Scotia and all of Canada Dear friend of freedom, Your medical privacy is about to become history if a new law is not challenged and defeated. Nova Scotia’s House of Assembly recently passed Bill 419, giving the Nova Scotia government power […]

Aug 012024
2024-07-05  Ontario man (Hartman) sues Pfizer & Health Canada for wrongful death of son following COVID vaccination,  by Lee Harding, Western Standard.  Hartman sent tissue samples to American pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole.  Lawyer Umar Sheikh representing.

Update, Hartman wrongful death charges against Pfizer and Health Canada. By Lee Harding. Western Standard 4 days after the covid shot, 17-year old Sean was rushed to Emergency “(The doctor)  just sent him home with pain reliever for his shoulder,”  No blood tests. 33 days after the shot Sean was dead. Ontario man sues Pfizer […]

Aug 012024
2022-07-11    Paramedics speak out about empty hospitals, probable vax injuries during COVID.  By Matthew Horwood, Western Standard.

 NOTE:  this is a 2022 summer report. Matthew Horwood Paramedics say they transferred few COVID-19 patients during the early stages of the pandemic — despite media claims that hospitals were overwhelmed — but since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines they’ve seen a rise in heart attacks, strokes, and chronic infections. “If I hadn’t heard […]

Jul 312024

RECOMMEND: Kraychik makes a valuable contribution to public knowledge of what happened at COUTTS. Below, through the URL for the MARCO UPDATE   there are other reports from the current Court Proceedings at Lethbridge, by Robert. I recommend Robert’s suite of videos.  I was very happy to see, for example, Jaclyne Martin, the wife of Jerry […]

Jul 122024
2024-07-11   Covid:  Ontario court rules PCR test for returning air travellers violated Quarantine Act. By Tamara Ugolini, Rebel News.

Note – – related to fines levied in 2022. Case 1:  Meththa Fernando, the nasal swab (a “PCR” test), guilty and fined $6,255.  Overturned on Appeal,  Yeeeay! Nasal swab tests were an ‘unlawful requirement or demand,’ wrote Justice Paul Monahan in the ruling. Freiheit’s view. “This case will be mostly relevant for anyone who pled […]

Jul 122024

Tamara Ugolini, Rebel News The Canadian government continues to compensate victims of the Thalidomide ‘safe and effective’ disaster, which leads some to wonder: will the COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) persist for decades to come? By Tamara Ugolini Thalidomide was a drug introduced to the Canadian market as “safe and effective” on April 1, 1961. […]

Jul 112024

TORONTO: During the COVID pandemic and lockdown, the government used the opportunity to enact rights-infringing, overbroad laws. Legislators and bureaucrats zealously enforced these laws against Canadians in an effort to secure compliance and suppress peaceful protest. Fortunately, The Democracy Fund (TDF) and its team of lawyers and paralegals, with the support of generous donors, fought back. […]