Sep 152019


I do not understand why the people of Saskatchewan continue to put up with this very long-standing, well-documented corruption.

Re: From D’Arcy Hande, retired archivist

Here is an article that I wrote and published online this weekend.  I have shared it to facebook and twitter and also with my media contacts.

From: Sandra Finley

Good grief.

The Grief comes from your article, but also from running through other headlines (context) on 

Followed by a quick internet search on Cabinet Minister Harpauer,  among other sources

It seems to me some people should be in the clink along with Natomagan et al.

You have done relentless and well-documented exposure for a long time.

And been supported by the right Government officials.

Where are the police in all this?

I will do what I can, sharing your article further.



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