Brian Peckford, former Premier of Newfoundland/Labrador is shocked by the loss of rights being experienced by Canadians, at the hands of their own governments and institutions.
VIDEO BELOW – – journalist Lawton asks excellent questions. The former premier has a reputation for straight-shooting. He hits the mark with his call, in common language for a “Constitutional Reference“.
“There is a measure to expedite this through the Courts . . . nobody is talking about this . . .”.
The current cases lined up in Canadian courts will receive decision in 4 to 5 YEARS.
A “Constitutional Reference” lands in the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) in 6 months to a year. A government asks the SCC:
- “Is what we are doing following the Constitution of this Country?”
- Is it following the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?”.
More on a “Reference”:
In Canadian law, a reference question or reference case .. is a submission by the federal or a provincial government to the courts asking for an advisory opinion on a major legal issue. Typically the question concerns the constitutionality of legislation. . . .
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Charter is being “violated and abused” by COVID policies:
former Newfoundland premier Brian Peckford
By Andrew Lawton
Brian Peckford is the last living premier involved in the construction and adoption of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Now, the former Newfoundland and Labrador premier says the Charter and parliamentary democracy are being “violated and abused” by governments whose pandemic policies have taken aim at freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and other Charter-guaranteed rights as well. As the Charter’s 40th anniversary nears, Peckford joined True North’s The Andrew Lawton Show to speak out about the “collective psychosis” he says is afflicting Canada.