Sent: December 17, 2021 7:39 PM
To: ‘’
Subject: TO: Dr. Richard Stanwick
TO: Chief Medical Health Officer, Vancouver Island
(With edits, mostly formating)
Dr. Richard Stanwick,
I think you have not been told the following, but most everyone in my networks has been told, or will soon know:
(1) 2021-12-14 BC Restaurant wins court case. Open to everyone, no vaccine passport needed.
(2) The protest in Victoria on Dec 9th; 3,000 people.
A convoy of vehicles from up-island started in Campbell R, joined with others in Courtenay, towns along the way, down the way to Nanaimo . . . Victoria, big posters on their vehicles. One theme was: stay away from our kids. (They are well-informed people. It is hubristic to think otherwise, IMHO!)
An estimated 3,000 were in attendance in Victoria.
You can’t be expected to know about it: the lack of reporting is stunning. But almost irrelevant because people are reporting to each other.
I try to “get it right”: I’ve been doing this work for 20 years (all my life, actually). I can’t afford to lose my credibility. The people I work with through networks are competent, discerning, well-informed, and thoroughly dedicated to the public good.
(3) Maybe you do not know, but most people in the networks know: ivermectin has been used for at least 5 decades with very beneficial results. It’s sin? Ivermectin IS OFF-PATENT a long time ago. There are many generic production centres around the world. You know what that means.
Ivermectin was thoroughly propagandized and gotten rid of in western democracies in particular – – because Anthony Fauci and his cronies are intent on making billions of dollars on their vaccines and drugs (patented, of course). They’ve done no end of harm. I am grateful that the truth is getting out.
(4) In case you are unfamiliar with HOW the information is getting out, just one example, recent (from my blog):
A group of scientists and doctors sued the FDA over the Pfizer covid vaccine.
The plaintiffs are Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency.
A part of the lawsuit is a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) on the FDA
for documents from Pfizer
that the FDA used to license the vaccine (e.g. test results).
(Aside: the equivalent in Canada to a FOIA is an ATI, Access to Information)
The Plaintiffs are making the Pfizer documents they receive available through their website.
Canadian Dr. Nagase has analyzed Pfizer pages posted by the Plaintiffs. He explains them to Western Standard reporter Melanie Risdon.
The word “shocking” is appropriate.
From the posting
2021-12-09 Dr Daniel Nagase Shocking Stats from Pfizer Documents AND
We’ll all be dead before FDA releases full COVID vaccine record, plaintiffs say
Pfizer documents from clinical trials
Dr Daniel Nagase Shocking Stats from Pfizer Documents
There has been a legal battle over the FOIA to get to this point. Aaron Siri (lawyer representing the plaintiffs) called it
“dystopian for the government to give Pfizer billions, mandate Americans to take its product, prohibit Americans from suing for harms, but yet refuse to let Americans see the data underlying its licensure.”
(5) And the court cases underway in Canada: how many of them are you aware of? All that stuff that comes down to us from the Doctors’ trials, a subset of the Nuremberg Trials? You will be able to find information if you aren’t up-to-speed.
(6) The call for a Constitutional Reference?
I would welcome a conversation with you.
You may have questions – – there’s probably more of which you are unaware? – –
(7) “The Pandemic Papers” is a new publication, excellent. “First Edition December 9, 2021 on the 75th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial (December 9, 1946)”.
From outside North America, recent:
(8) 2021-12-13 Japan’s health ministry officially WARNS of myocarditis heart inflammation as a side-effect of Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines (as compared to Canada . . .)
The relationship to myocarditis and related heart afflictions has, of course, been known for a long time now. The “as compared to Canada” bit only adds to the dilemma:
“When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law.”
I was heartened by the legal decision on the Restaurant case.
I was heartened by the judge’s decision re the Fairy Creek Old Growth injunction.
There will be more than 2 enlightened judges in Canada! Which reminds me:
Jeff Rath, an Alberta lawyer who is representing a group of Alberta doctors, plaintiffs in a case against the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons over forced inoculation, has an exceptional amount of experience in successful argument of cases in the Supreme Court of Canada. He isn’t the only constitutional lawyer with a case on its way to the Supreme Court.
Brian Peckford, one-time Premier of Newfoundland-Labrador, as you may know, is the main voice teaching the Canadian tool of a Constitutional Reference to short-circuit lengthy court proceedings in divisive matters.
I am thinking that a difficult area for you will be the common sense question (among others): why would anyone confine people with a contagious case of covid in a long term care facility with people who do NOT have the disease?
Equally problematic will be, if the Courts do their job: I don’t think you have authority to do what you are doing. A “Section 1 Over-ride” which is what you are relying on, properly pursued (and there’s enough on the line to help ensure that it is properly pursued) requires that the criteria set out in the Oakes Test for an override of Constitutional Rights be argued in a Court of Law.
The Court will or will not grant the Over-ride based on the argument presented. The Oakes Test is brief and easy to understand; I mean, do YOU think you can satisfy the criteria?
I am happy to answer questions, if I can.
I offer because I have friends who are being severely and wrongly impacted by what you are doing.
Maybe it doesn’t have to be?
But maybe you will not want to speak with me?
Best wishes, (Sandra)