Feb 212022

In case it might be helpful to someone.

There is a small suite of postings (5 – – the links are further down) on my blog to remove any doubt about the authenticity of the WEF and their agenda.   They have “half the Trudeau cabinet”  in pocket – – Klaus Schwab in video.   Etc.


= = = = = =

If I can piece this together,  there are a whole lot of people, especially in the U.S. who can do it better and did it a long time ago.

As it happens:

While I was watching live-stream of the situation in Ottawa on Friday,


Watching the toe-to-toe  line of protestors with the police,


I would have liked to quiet the line.   And announce:


This is about an experimental drug and whether people including children, should be forcibly injected with it.  That is ALL it is about.


WHAT IN GODS’ NAME is so important that the Government MUST HAVE ALL PEOPLE AND CHILDREN INJECTED?  Once, twice, thrice, 4 times, more . . .  and none of that good enough, more boosters, every how many months?!  


That issue has caused the Government to bring in all these police from Ontario and elsewhere.  There are snipers on roof-tops, a helicopter overhead; armoured vehicle in the background.  Police are on O.T. and housed in the Chateau Laurier.


The protest is demonstrably peaceful.


Many Police are soft on the issue.  Which is why the Protestors are receiving leaked information to help them in their struggle.   Many Tow Truck companies in Ottawa won’t help the Police by responding to calls for tow trucks to take trucks away.




I received an article by Chris George that documents Chrystia Freeland’s relationship to the  World Economic Forum, published in the Niagara Independent.  Which is all I needed – – as explained below.  . . . It’s a good article.   (Freeland – Canadian Minister of Finance)


I sent the email below to author of the article, Chris George.


Many people dismiss the World Economic Forum (WEF) as “conspiracy theory”, along with its “Great Reset” agenda.

The article by C George is another blow to the ability to dismiss the WEF.


There is a small suite of postings on my blog to remove any doubt about the authenticity of the WEF and their agenda.  They are the reason that traditional means of bringing about corrections to Government policies do not, will not, and can not work.


Klaus Schwab is the founder of the WEF and the author of the book, “The Great Reset”.


– – keep reading.  I have watched the video in which Schwab states (in a moment of ill-advised hubris, I’d say):  he uses the word “infiltrated” in relation to the Trudeau Cabinet.  (Not only the Canadian cabinet.)


2022-01-26 Klaus Schwab: half of the Canadian Cabinet are from the “Young Global Leaders” program of the WEF      a SHORT VIDEO.


The C George article re Freeland’s relationship to the WEF:   as explained below,  I looked into Freeland in 2015.   Only because I recognized the  name “Larry Summers” from the Wall Street crimes in 2007-08.


You may want to know what The Great Reset has in mind for your children and grand children.  Canadians are getting a taste of it right now.   Jason Kenney (I am not a fan of) expands a bit on what the WEF envisions  –  he does it well, to my surprise!  – – Schwab sent him a copy of the book.

See also:   2017-12-20 Trudeau and the Aga Khan.



From: Sandra Finley
Sent: February 19, 2022 8:20 PM
Subject: your article, Where is Chrystia Freeland’s priority?

Dear Mr. George,

Your article re Freeland is important elucidation for Canadians.

There is CONTEXT  (appended) for your article, on my blog.

I looked at Freeland in some depth, in about 2015.

– – – – – – – – –

My interest in Freeland started with her connection to Larry Summers.  And Dominic Barton.


Summers was brought in by the Liberals in advance of the 2015 Election.  Ostensibly to advise them on Economic Policy which was seen as their weak point in defeating the Harper Conservatives.   It was Trudeau’s first run at the Prime Ministership.


I remembered Summers’ name – – advisor to Obama whose advice meant that the Wall Street racketeers (2007-08) got off scot-free and with grand largesse from the public purse.


That Summers would be advising a potential Canadian Government sounded clanging alarm bells in my brain.


Freeland did her PhD (Harvard) under Larry Summers (Economics), who a bit later became President of Harvard.

His dealings with Russians – – big dollar contracts – -, helping them with Capitalism…  Summers was basically scamming the Russians.   They brought suit in the U.S..  And won.


As a consequence, the U.S. Govt fined Harvard $26 Million to cover the costs and settlement of the Russian lawsuit.


Harvard was furious with Summers over the $26 million fine, needless to say!  Some Harvard profs had previously been complaining about the integrity of Summers’ work;  they were vindicated   – – Summers was dumped as Pres of Harvard.


The petals fell off the sweet-smelling rose for the Russians;   they lost their enthusiasm for contracting with U.S. “specialists” who could guide them in the ways of capitalism.  Other “partnerships” also suffered from the thorns.


Summers fell on hard times with a tarnished reputation until Freeland, in her role at the Financial Times, offered her former thesis supervisor a weekly column.   Which was successful;  his columns were well received   . . .   fast forward  – – Summers’ net worth saw a steep incline, Wall Street contracts —   then the 2007—08 fiasco and Summers’ advisory role to Obama.  No prosecutions.  Yahda, yahda.


So now, the Cdn Liberals need advisors for economic policy (2015).   They bring in Summers.   Also Dominic Barton.

INSERT:  I just did some quick reading re the Trudeaus and their visits to the Aga Khan’s island in the Bahamas.   The first trip was in 2014.


By this time, these people are all intertwined with the globalist money elites.


I don’t know the order of things:  Freeland was recruited to run for the Liberals . . .  by . . .  who?

Trudeau had already (?) been recruited by Klaus Schwab (WEF,  Young Global Leaders Program).  Who was it that brought in Summers, the shady guys, the financial mafiosos from the Wall Street betrayal of Main Street?


When Klaus Schwab (video link below) says that Trudeau is one of their guys (WEF), and that the WEF has “infiltrated” the Trudeau Cabinet (they have half of the Cabinet), of course, as you document very well – – Freeland is one of theirs.


I am encouraged:  mis-characterization of the WEF and the Great Reset as “conspiracy theory” is breaking into the public discourse.  Your article is helpful.


I was surprised by the following video – – Kenney saying:  the Great Reset is the title of a book.  He should know because Klaus Schwab sent him a copy.  He goes on to ridicule the Davos crowd.



That is ALL it is about.  It’s why there is so much support for the Truckers, around the world.  Lots of people KNOW.  Just like lots of people knew about Epstein.  Circles of the wealthy – – it’s why $20 million has been donated to the Truckers Freedom Convoy.  Not because of funding by “terrorists”.  It’s funding by wealthy people with a conscience.  It’s a matter of how to nail the perpetrators.  Don’t worry – – it’s in the works.


There may be something in the following postings that will be beneficial to you or to someone else.


Best wishes,

Sandra Finley  www.sandrafinley.ca

Vancouver Island  250-594-9898


1.  2022-02-12 Where is Chrystia Freeland’s priority? Niagara Independent, Chris George


2.  2022-02-17 Great Reset: Trudeau Agenda. Jason Kenney explains the Great Reset just as covid 19 pandemic was unleashed in early 2020


3.  2022-01-26 Klaus Schwab: half of the Canadian Cabinet are from the “Young Global Leaders” program of the WEF


4.  2022-02-05  Jim Watson (Mayor of Ottawa)   So, let’s take a peek under the hood. You don’t have to dig long to see why Jim is a fan of authoritarian moves

Here you see Ottawa mayor Watson at the WEF.  (He has quite a long history of association,  not shown.)


5.  2022-02-08 Italy’s Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano Endorses the Canadian Truck Drivers Against the New World Order (VIDEO and Transcript)

I think this is an important contribution;  an “influencer” of some public opinion puts these “globalist” forces  on the table.  Named.


There is too much in these next postings, done over a few years.  They are for skimming.  The first one might be sufficient.


2017-05-25 Larry Summers – Dominic Barton connection. “Inclusive Capitalism Initiative” as “re-branding”. Summers bad news (corrupt), Canadian financial matters, advisor to Liberals.



2017-06-02 The Liberals have ended up with an infrastructure bank that offers Canadians only downsides and risk, National Post



2014-05-27 ‘Inclusive capitalism’ the big new thing? from DW, German international broadcaster. (Dominic Barton)



The “re-branding” of capitalism after the 2007-08 fall from grace.


= = =  =   THE END!  = = = = =

Sandra Finley



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