Oct 102023
No confusion over covid. Three points.

The fall onslaught of covid/flu  messaging has started.  My daughter is apprehensive about what that means for her.

She has had a long-term interest in things that give health.  She is well-informed re covid.  She wants nothing to do with things covid.

In support of her understanding:

  1.     I contacted Canadian Border Services (CBSA) on September 11th or 12th

I asked:  would I be blocked at the border between Canada and the U.S., either coming or going, because I am not vaccinated?

The answer is NO, Canada no longer has covid mandates.  Canadians can leave and return to Canada, regardless of vaccination status.   (And regardless of their status as an activist!)

I have understood that the Covid mandates are a thing of the past, but wanted absolute confirmation.  The agent was prompt and direct in her reply.   There was not even a “BUT! you SHOULD . . . ”!

NOTE:  I have to laugh!  I love George Orwell’s language, “New speak”, from his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (published in 1949, post-WW2, after the defeat of the Nazis).

The word “Mandates” no longer means “mandates”?  The CBSA agent told me that we (Canada) no longer have covid mandates.  So what should I think when the Health Officers or others TODAY make statements about covid mandates, as though they are still in place?  . . . the world becomes farcical.

But it makes sense from one perspective:  Chief Medical Health Officers and others responsible for the covid mandates have upcoming trials.  Court challenges were launched back during covid.  It takes time for the cases to make their way through the court process.  I was offered this explanation:   the defendants cannot back away from their mantras.  It would be an outright admission of wrong-doing.

2.   The National Citizens Inquiry Commissioners Report, September 14, 2023


The Input received by the Commissioners through the hearings in 8 cities across Canada are available at the web-site, along with other details, Reports and Recommendations. 

  • In a nutshell, the Interim Report concludes that The Covid vaccinations are neither safe, nor are they effective.


3.      Covid mandates are INVALID (Alberta court ruling).

August 1, 2023,  the mandates of former Chief Medical Health Officer of Alberta,  Deena Hinshaw, were found to be invalid.  

 During August, many important covid court cases in Canada were dropped by “The Crown” (The Prosecutors), as a consequence of this “Ingram decision”.

Communities in Alberta have the backs of seriously-aggrieved small businesses, the WhistleStop Café being a prominent example.  There is now a class-action lawsuit by small businesses, against the Alberta Government.

Just one example among many, of “the covid mandates are not about science and health”:  HOW  can it be safe for people to shop and eat at Costco and Walmart or attend games in Sports Stadiums, while the local gyms and WhistleStop Cafes of the world have to close because they are Not Safe??

The inability of the health authorities to construct logic drove me crazy – – I am appreciative of the Judges, and the individuals who have stood firm against the nonsensical, often at what looks like huge personal cost.  (Listen to interviews of people like Chris Scott of the WhistleStop Cafe.  Invariably they point to the fact that what they have gained (a connected, supportive, and determined community) is far greater than the huge financial losses.)

I reassured my daughter, on the basis of A, B, and C, PLUS what she knows from her own research, that she doesn’t need to worry about covid mandates.  The advertising campaign is nothing more than that.  Advertising.*  Don’t pay any attention to it.

  • (In truth, I likely used the phrase ” nothing more than a propaganda campaign”.)

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