Oct 192023

I left a message for you on Jason Lavigne’s sub-stack.  About Genders, prompted by your discomfort with the possible distributions in Canada:

Difference, Europeans & North Americans.

  1. By the 1990s Europeans had identified that fish downstream from sewage treatment plants were “feminized” – estrogen from millions of birth control pills in pee flushed down toilets 24 hours a day without cease, back into water ways. Europeans take action.

Canada? . .  silence was deafening. It was 2003 before the first science from DFO on the topic was published.

What actions did Canadians then take?

  1. Aamjiwnaang First Nation on the St Clare River, Sarnia, Ontario —  petro-chem plants set up next to them. I wonder where else in the world you will find Birth Ratio 33% boys, 67% girls?  (two girls to every boy)  . . .  Grassy Narrows.  What’s happening there?  Long-standing.  ……   Naive people think that petitioning the Government to STOP the poisoning and for clean-up will work.

3:  Chemical poisons. Teratogens used in crop production kill by altering the growth of insects which in humans would be a function of the endocrine system. Which consists of glands that make HORMONES.  Do you See any Connection to birth ratios, and gender anomalies?

(Humans are ignorant if they think that cell division and specialization of function is a different process in different creatures.  After 70 years there’s enough of the poisons that the results start to become REALLY APPARENT in larger animals like us.)

The chemical industry started converting its products for use in agriculture after WW2.  70 YEARS of an increasing load of poisons to the land and creatures (us), Canada the exporter.

You think MAYBE Genders in the Canadian population MIGHT be messed up? I’d say it’s predictable with a high degree of plausibility.

The majority of University “scientists” in Canada will not conduct research independent of corporate interests. In Sask, for example, you will be run out of the University if you try to examine links between high levels of developmental problems in children, childhood cancers, or rising levels of asthma; and the dumping of industrial pollutants.

Poisons in the same river water that the next downstream city uses, from the Rocky Mountains to Hudson Bay, over and over again? . . . willfully ignorant people?  Love their children?   But money more.

Charges against HELEN GRUS for investigating a possible link between the deaths of babies and the vaccines? . . . No, no no. You are not allowed to go THERE! Keep your damned mouth shut.  That realm is reserved for the corrupt and immoral.  Corporates reserve the rights to kill and maim.

PLEASE NOTE.  SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is related to vaccines, no doubt.  BUT, people should not limit their understanding to that silo.  SOME babies are dead by SIDS.  But the vaccines have different outcomes in different bodies.  Developmental problems and some diseases are also clearly attributable to vaccinations.  There are many postings on my blog:  look under CATEGORIES  (right hand sidebar);  scroll down to  HEALTH;  the last sub-category is VACCINATIONS (including the corruption of science and governments).

This one really gets me:  What Doctor does not know that our immune systems take years to mature?  I constructed a list of different organs and the age of the child, on average, when the organ is fully matured.  (I cannot find the list, at the moment.)   In the U.S. they are vaccinating children at ever-younger ages . . at birth . .  at 6 months.  They receive more and more shots for ever more conditions.  Babies increasingly get a combination of different vaccines in one shot;  each vaccine has its adjuvants.    Have they any idea what they are doing to under-developed organs of the immune systems?  . . .  The liver – – full maturity takes up to two years after birth to be achieved.   . . .   are injuries and deaths surprising? 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr is the best hope we have for moving out of the insanities and corruption.  You may know,  the Democrats have made it impossible for him to run on the Democratic ticket.  He is running as an Independent.  It is very, very difficult to run as an Independent and get elected in the U.S., OR in Canada.  Canada is infiltrated.   The strategic levers of Government have been taken over.  I’m looking for a miracle in the U.S.!  It will be sooo helpful for everyone!

Take care

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