Oct 202023

Beginning in August 2023, the number of covid court cases across Canada for which “charges are dropped” is large and continuing.


Are the failed court cases evidence of abuse of process? – – unjustified or unreasonable use of legal proceedings to further a cause.

It is blatantly unfair to line up the resources of the Governments, Police, and Jails against individuals who are not guilty.  The cost of defending oneself is prohibitive (Artur Pawlowski – – $1 million in legal costs to obtain a ruling from the Alberta Appeals Court that he was innocent of the charges brought against him.)  And then, MORE charges against Pawlowski.

Access to Justice is denied.  Crowd funding saves the day.


Former Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador, Brian Peckford, with the support of knowledgeable Canadians during the covid years repeatedly pointed out and made overtures:  The Trudeau and Provincial Governments should be doing Constitutional References on covid mandates.  

The process exists in Canada TO AVOID the very thing that these court cases are collectively illustrating through “charges dropped”.  Constitutional References are FOR THE PURPOSE of avoiding potential hazards, to avoid reasonably foreseeable damage.  Abuse of process includes improper purpose and harm to  litigants.

Abusive use of the system undermines the integrity of the judicial system.   Which is not allowed.  For obvious reasons.

The collective arrogance, ignorance, and manipulative capacity of a group of players wreaked a high cost on Canadians and the economy.  


The antidote for the poisons is activated.  Hallelujah!  . . .  networks of Canadians connected with international networks of aggrieved and determined others.

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