Feb 152024




Subject: Next Evidentiary Video:  Military Moral Injury with Dr. Kelly Denton-Borhaug

The next evidentiary video episode of the Tribunal is a fascinating conversation with Dr. Kelly Denton-Borhaug, whose work began soon after the events of 9/11 with her investigation of what she came to call “U.S. war-culture.” In more recent years, Denton-Borhaug’s focus moved to “military moral injury.” This invisible epidemic (linked to the frighteningly high numbers of service member and veteran suicides) springs from the intolerable moral pain and suffering experienced by too many of the 1% fighting on the front lines of our war-culture.

Her book And Then Your Soul Is Gone: Moral Injury and U.S. War-culture explores military moral injury in detail. Moral injury not only impacts individuals; but also is deeply connected to the structural and cultural violence of war-culture that characterizes the United States.

Denton-Borhaug’s newest book in development, Light at the Tip of the Candle: A Moral and Spiritual Response to the Despair of Moral Injury, will tell the stories of a group of veterans who are living with the pain of moral injury, and will also explore how this individual suffering is profoundly connected to deeper veins of violence in U.S. war-culture.

The link for this video evidence is here: https://rumble.com/v49ttar-military-moral-injury-dr.-kelly-denton-borhaug.html

Please share this video link with friends and colleagues. Form discussion groups around all video evidence of the Tribunal.

Jeremy Kuzmarov of Covert Action Magazine continues to chronicle the Tribunal’s evidence in his new article exploring the Uruzgan massacre this Tribunal covered in a previous episode. It’s an excellent piece.

The link for previous video episodes of the Tribunal is here: https://rumble.com/user/merchantsofdeath

Encourage friends to sign up to receive future video segments of evidence here: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-up-for-emails-from-the-merchants-of-death-war-crimes-tribunal?clear_id=true

In solidarity,

Brad Wolf, Kathy Kelly, and Nick Mottern
Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal

The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal will hold accountable — through testimony of witnesses — U.S. Weapons manufacturers who knowingly produce and sell products which attack and kill non-combatants. These manufacturers may have committed Crimes Against Humanity as well as violated U.S. Federal criminal laws. The Tribunal will hear the evidence and render a verdict.
Donate to support the Tribunal.

Should giant war-profiteering corporations decide what emails you don’t want to read? We don’t think so either. So, please stop our emails from going into “junk” or “spam” by “white listing,” marking as “safe,” or filtering to “never send to spam.”


2022-02-28 Covid protests, Vocabulary and Context. WE WILL DO BETTER . . .  NEXT TIME! say the Police. Linguistics. Definition of antifa.

My Grandfathers and Dad were, by the quirks of fate, prevented from going to war.  They were not directly exposed to the environment of killing.  In my family, there was no broken down drunkenness returned from the war.  Women and children are respected.

2018-03- Carol Van Strum, author of A Bitter Fog, awarded the David Brower Lifetime Achievement Award (herbicides, Monsanto’s Agent Orange).

A Bitter Fog is the true story of people fighting to protect their families and homes from Agent Orange and other poisons sprayed on them from the air. This book tells the story of ordinary people who defied profiteering corporations and indifferent government agencies. Meticulous research exposes deception and outright fraud by chemical companies to keep profiting from herbicides they knew were toxic and government complicity in covering up severe human health problems and environmental damage.

2016-12-21 Why I Kneeled Before Standing Rock Elders and Asked For Forgiveness, Yes! Magazine. (former Army Lt. Wesley Clark Jr., son of Gen. Wesley Clark, former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO.)

2014-10-22 Notes from Underground, the consequences of alienating people from their society (Dostoyevsky)

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