Feb 172024

Tucker Carlson is right to alert the American public BEFORE the U.S. Election on Tuesday November 5th,  2024, that President Joe Biden does not have the capacity to lead his Country.  Joe cannot be the one pulling the trigger for Wars that affect the whole Planet.

Another point:  Men who think they are God and Men who know they are NOT God.

Here is the Interview:


25 minutes

Carlson interviewed at  World Government Summit

In the interview, Carlson refers to the Report of U.S. Special Counsel Robert Hur on whether Biden should be prosecuted because of papers he destroyed.  As I understand, Hur’s Report was a final nail in the coffin for Joe’s mental capacity.

Other Nations sometimes have a Head-of-State who is controlled by Elites, typically military, behind-the-scenes.  The head-of-state is a sock puppet.  The citizenry has no power.  The emperor they bow to wears no clothes.

I think of Biden as a rag doll who is propped up by the military-industrial complex.  Thank goodness Tucker Carlson has the voice and balls to say what needs to be said.  I will sleep easier tonight.  He has put some power back into the hands of the serfs.  That’s what a free press does.  It can ONLY be done if citizens have a Right to Free Speech.  Don’t ever compromise that Right.  And for God’s Sake, USE it!  Or we’ll lose it.


Also Good on Carlson for making the distinction.:

Men who THINK they are God – – –  and Men who KNOW they are NOT God!

I am grateful to this man.

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