Sep 102024

I don’t agree with everything that is Jordan Peterson.

I agree, as a member of a democratic society, to uphold the principles of Free Speech, and am pleased in whatever small way I can, to support Jordan Peterson in his endeavor to provoke Canadians to action.   See the text I high-lighted in pink below.  Why isn’t everyone shaking a fist and shouting to the rooftops, alongside Peterson on this one?  Do we not understand what’s he’s doing?


With thanks to Alex Dhaliwal, Rebel News

(Sept 2024)  More complaints have been filed against Dr. Jordan Peterson, of which none relate to his professional capacity as a psychologist.

“My lawyers and I received not one but five (!) additional complaints last week — part of the endless litany of whining manipulative missives,” Dr. Peterson wrote in a National Post op-ed. 

“What was my crime this time? Yet another tweet, with clear political intent, criticizing none other than Kamala Harris … Have you ever listened to Harris?”

All five public complainants objected to the former psychologist’s use of the word “retarded” in a social media post. 

“Apparently, I can’t say ‘retarded’ and do not even know what to say otherwise any more when talking about children who are slow to learn, which is of course what ‘retarded’ means,” Dr. Peterson writes.

. . .  Rebel News provides the context (excerpts from their Reporting on Peterson), going back at least to 2017:

In 2017, the University of Toronto professor emeritus of psychology put his practice on hold but remains a licensed psychologist.

“I don’t even need my license. I’m not practicing,” said Dr. Jordan Peterson in an interview with the National Post.

“This might be hard for people to believe, but I don’t believe that this is about me,” he told the publication. “Practically speaking, I’m beyond their purview, because I’m not dependent on them financially.”

The College of Psychologists of Ontario argued for nearly two years that Peterson made ‘inappropriate’ public statements on social media, even though they did not relate to the practice of psychology. Those statements related to his opinion on politics, public figures, the Freedom Convoy and climate change. 

“Free speech, free thought, freedom of conscience, freedom of association: these do not die suddenly,” he said.

“They die, instead, in a series of pathetic defeats, none of which appear to be worth risking reputation to prevent. We are watching them die in front of our eyes.”

Meanwhile, the Alberta government has limited the “arbitrary power” of the governing bodies. Dr. Peterson urged the Ontario Conservatives to follow suit.

“Civilization ends when the envious, bitter and power-hungry gain the upper hand — which they have forever done by claiming victimization,” he continues. “That is how they cover their drive to usurp, control and outright steal with the façade of care and concern.”  .. . .

“I have the right to have a political opinion. And I have a right to express it and we can’t have a society where educated professionals are not allowed to have political opinions,” concluded the former psychologist. 

There are supporting videos and excerpts from X on the source document,


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